Bakusquad Unite

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Mina, Sero, and Kaminari knew they couldn't tell anybody about this. If they did, someone would surely tell the pro heroes and it would take twice as long to save them. They were going alone. Well, with one exception.

"We need your help", Kaminari said.

"This is crazy guys. There is no possible way you can do this. It's better to tell the pros", Jirou replied.

The trio asked Jirou to come along with them. It would be good to have a quirk like hers along with them. Also, Bakugou tolerated her.

"Please Jirou. We can't do it alone. But with you, we have a shot."

Jirou sighed, contemplating this insane request.

"You guys are insane."

"Please", Sero pleaded.

She looked down. "Fine. Only because I want everything to go back to normal."

The trio smiled. "We're leaving tonight. I asked Uraraka to tell Aizawa that we wouldn't be in class tomorrow because we're sick", Mina said.

Jirou nodded.

"Operation Bakusquad is officially in action", Kaminari said. Then, the group dispersed to get ready for their insane quest.


Kirishima had been sitting on the cold floor for what seemed like years. Bakugou left the room a while ago, which left Kirishima alone with his thoughts. He was heartbroken. The boy he called his best friend. The boy he had feelings for.....

Why Bakugou? Why him? There's no way Bakugou would do something like this. Just a few days ago, all he wanted was to be a hero. The greatest hero.

Now here he was. Doing the exact opposite. This wasn't the Bakugou Kirishima knew.

They brainwashed him, Kirishima thought. That's the only plausible explanation.

Bakugou wouldn't do this. He wouldn't and Kirishima knew that. He swore he would find a way to bring him back. He would get his Bakugou back.

The door swung open and Kirishima flinched. He looked up to see a familiar silhouette. However, it wasn't Bakugou.

The figure walked towards him. The blue hair and hand over his face became more visible as he walked into the dim light.

Kirishima refused to show fear. Not to this asshole at least. "Shigaraki", he growled.

The blue haired man grinned. "So you do know who I am", he said in an eerie voice.

Kirishima glared. "What did you do to him", the red head said through gritted teeth.

"You must really care for that idiot huh?"

"What. Did. You. Do", Kirishima started again.

Shigaraki chuckled at the red head's attempt to threaten him.


Shigaraki shook just a little bit as the red head thrashed against his restraints.

That's when Kirishima remembered: he had a damn quirk.

:) sorry that took forever

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