⋖Chapter 21⋗

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Jerome's P.O.V.

Mitch and I worked in silence, so in tune that we didn't even have to give the other directions to know what to do. We were making the beginning of a new shelter right on the edge of the clearing, several separate rooms that was big enough for all of us and I honestly thought it was about time. It had been almost three weeks since we had met Harry, Vikk, Josh and Simon and we hadn't even started yet, despite the fact it was winter.

I jumped a bit as Lachlan pushed a pile of sticks towards me, trying to help but honestly he got in the way more often. He and Vikk had been close at hand for most of the day, gathering everything they thought could be useful- most of which was not- but they were having fun so I didn't say anything. Their giggling wasn't so much distracting as it was cute and Mitch and I shared many smiles as they ran around together, poking each other with sticks or otherwise.

Later that night I managed to talk to Mitch and we laughed about it because it reminded us of ourselves when we were younger, barely working out our feelings for each other. I had this feeling that they would become a thing, maybe later on, but for now Harry was the bigger concern for Vikk.

Rob, Preston and Josh were further out in the woods gathering some actually useful items like bigger logs to make the base of the shelter and flax to weave in between them, creating a hopefully waterproof shelter.

Later that night Mitch tucked himself up beside me, lying just outside our new shelter. It wasn't ready for use yet, not quite stable, but it was still getting cold. It was almost mid winter now and we needed the warmth from the others to stay warms- coats weren't quite good enough anymore to stay warm. Tonight however, Rob and Preston were tucked up beside us too. Lachlan was sleeping right beside Vikk and Harry who in turn were lying right next to Josh and Simon. It was sweet but I think Rob and Preston missed the blonde boy forcing himself in between them, insisting on lying in the place with the most warmth.

"Mitch?" He looked up, blinking softly.


"If we stayed here, would you be happy?" Mitch looked confused for a moment but then he smiled.

"Of course I would." He laughed quietly. "I don't think I want leave Jerome, I'm happy here. I love the boys and I don't want to leave them. Why?"

"Because I don't want to leave either." I said with a smile. "And I wanted to make sure that you were on the same page."

"Well I am." He whispered, still grinning. "I want to stay."


There were no more said after that and soon after we were both asleep, my heart happy.


This was something we had never had. Mitch and I had always been alone, we had never had a group to talk to, to hang out with, at least since we were little. We had basically grown up alone so this, having so many people around us laughing and joking and chattering and Mitch was thriving on it, it was nice to see him so happy.

I had to admit, I may have been a little jealous because I didn't have Mitch completely to myself anymore, but now I had Lachlan and Vikk to dote over too. The youngest two, minus Harry who I was pretty sure was youngest than both of them, were always up into some mischief, laughing and giggling and getting into everything they could. They were cheeky and often dragged Mitch in too, not that he minded.

And speaking of Harry... he really wasn't well. Simon was still worse but I knew, Mitch knew, Lachlan and Rob and Preston and Josh all knew that he was going to die. Vikk may have been in denial slightly but he still knew. We all knew that eventually, we would be two members less.

"Jerome?" Mitch came to me one afternoon a couple of days after our conversation on staying. I patted the ground beside me and he sat down, his eyes flickering to Simon and Harry.

"What's up babe?" I asked quietly, but I already knew what question was coming.

"How long do you think they have left?" He mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear it. I couldn't exactly know but I could guess- and I knew it wasn't long.

"Simon, days, weeks maybe?" I sighed. He was completely refusing food now and barely drank anything and if it wasn't the illness that took him, it would definitely starvation. "Harry... a month, possibly longer?"

"So not long?"

"No, Mitch. Not long."

He leaned over and tucked his head into my shoulder, avoiding looking across at the other boys. I knew he was scared because the last time we were surrounded by death was the time we were left alone but this was something different. It wasn't a disease that we risked catching and dying from, it was something else.

"We'll be okay." I whispered. "It'll be okay Mitch. I'll be here."


Vikk huddled closer to me, his eyes downcast. He was shivering in the cold wind and rain but Harry was with Josh and Simon- he didn't want Vikk to see him so ill- and Lachlan was huddled in between Rob and Preston. I was quite happy to let him snuggle in with Mitch and I and although Mitch wasn't entirely impressed as he didn't have me all to himself, he didn't say anything. I tucked the younger into my shoulder, smiling as he nestled himself even closer. Mitch lay on his other side, his eyes flickering.

My hand ran through Mitch's hazel hair over Vikk's shoulder, a happy feeling in my chest as it earned a smile and some cute little noises. Everyone was attempting to sleep despite the horrific weather and there were some water drips running down the wall, telling me that the shelter wasn't quite waterproof yet, but I wasn't sleepy. I was wide awake, playing with Mitch's hair to give myself something to do.

While I was lying there I thought quite a lot, about everything that was happening and had happened. There was just so much to come, so much I didn't know, so much to lose. Harry and Simon, maybe even Josh could be gone.

I didn't want to think about it. For now I had all of them, and I was going to treasure them.

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