[Season 1 Ep. 02] Frequency Fever

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{Hey guys! So I just recently moved and I should be getting back into updating this book, Also the chapter is unedited. I was going to update last night but I fell asleep 😴 but here's another chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it 🥰 stay rad!}

I pull my hat low as I walk the halls of Bayside. "Tv I'm going to kick your blue haired butt when I see you." I hiss as I go to my locker. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Zack.

"Whoa, sorry I thought you were someone else." I deepen my voice. "It's okay bro." Zack looks at me funny. "I'm sorry but isn't this Corky's locker?" I shake my head.

"Corky moved her locker to the west wing of the school, bro."

"She did? Well do you know where she is right now?" He asks. "I heard her say something about getting to cooking class, bro. But don't tell her I told you." Zack smile and slaps my shoulder hard.

I fight to keep from wincing. "Thanks bro." He takes off down the hall and I let out a sigh.

"I know what you're thinking, Corky you dressed in boy drag to avoid Zack? Why? Well I'm going to kill Tv. She sends me a jolt message and it's the ladies choice dance episode. With a twist. Zack wants me to ask him and Slater wants me to ask him all because he can't stand for Zack to have his way. Now if this was any other day, I'd stay home, watch some Netflix and eat junk. But no, I have to be involved in this episode."

"Corky!" I flinch and turn to see Kelly running over to me. "Kelly you scared me. I thought you were Zack."

"Speaking of Zack, he's been looking for you." I lean against my locker. "I know, I've been avoiding him."

"How come?" I go to speak but I hear Zack and Slater's voice coming. "Hold on." I pop my locker open and get in it, closing it behind me. My phone jolts and I get a message from Tv.

*Get out of the locker, Corky*

"No." I whisper. The whole locker suddenly flies open and I feel something yank me out of the locker. No one was there but I have a suspicion that it was Tv somehow.

I land in front of Zack and he looks down at me. "I have to hand it to you, Corky. If this whole school thing doesn't work out for you. Then cross dressing as a boy is right up your alley." Zack says as he helps me up.

I feel an electric pulse from him and quickly let his hand go. "Uh, later dudes." I try to run but, Slater blocks me. "Hey Corky." He says with a smirk.

"Hello Albert." I say making him laugh. "So, Corky just so you know, my dance card is still free if you know what I mean." Zack says as he tries to put his arm on my shoulder. But I duck and leans against Kelly's locker. "I get what you mean but uh, I'm not going to the dance so I won't be asking anyone."

"What? You have to go! I mean, why not?" Zack asks in a high pitched tone. "I'm uh, baby sitting. Yeah my baby brother." I lie. "You have a baby brother? What's his name?" Slater asks, and I really wish he hadn't.

"Toby." I lie again. "Well, how about I come over since I don't have a date either." Zack offers. "No, Toby is allergic to the letter Z. So shoot guess you can't come over Z-man." I start to walk off but Zack pulls me back and I collide against his chest.

I quickly push away. "How can he be allergic to a letter of the alphabet?"

"It's one of those strange conditions. Don't take it personal, Uncle Zelensky hasn't came around him since the day he was born and broke out in hives."

"How about I keep you company then?" Slater offers. "Huh? What was that Kelly?"

"I'm right here, Corky." As the audience laughs I take my chance and take off running. I hear Zack call my name and I duck into the girls locker room.

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