Chapter One: A New Beginning

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Nyah lays flat on the the blistering, dead grass. The moon scorched over the plains, covering the desserts in crystallized light. Nyah moaned, nudging her mate, Baraka, on the head with her paw.

"Baraka..." She tapped again, squinting her eyes. Baraka shakes his mane slowly, turning over to Nyah. "What is it?" He yawned. Nyah smiled, "It's time." Baraka lifted on his legs with widened eyes. "I-Its time!" He ran across the small field to wake up his family, as he yelled, "Its time!" Monifa, Baraka's mum, woke up first,  splintering her tail as she ran over to Nyah.

Nyah shut her eyes, grinding her teeth. Monifa comforted her, tapping her back slowly. "It'll be alright." She said. Kito and Imari slowly shook their legs and woke up, but then Imari's face glew. "Oh my god! I'm an auntie!" Imari ran over to the others. Kito took his time, slobbering disrespectfully. "I hate cubs..." He rolled his eyes, pushing dirt around with his paw. Imari arrived to Nyah and Monifa. Imari held Nyah's paw, "Push!" she yelped. Nyah tugged at herself as she pushed. Monifia panted as she ran to the back of Nyah.

Nyah pushed, soon to hear a cub, meowing loudly. "A-Am I done?" Nyah huffed, looking behind. Monifia gleamed as she pulled the cub out and and picked it up by her mouth, carrying it to it's mother. Nyah was adored and cheerful, she couldn't keep her eyes off of it. Baraka ran in, seeing a cub in Nyah's paws. "I'm a dad!" He laughed, pouncing around towards Nyah. Nyah licked the cub, while checking it out.

"It's a girl."

Everyone roared, as Nyah nudged her little baby. The little girl slid itself over to Nyah's tummy, where it began drinking milk.  "So... Is it a girl or a boy?" A croaky voice popped in. It was Kito. Imari trotted up to Kito, "It's a girl." She raises an eyebrow at him. Kito sneers turning his back towards everyone, and slowly heading back down the hill. But then he stops, turning his head back and raising an eyebrow back at everyone, "Great. Now we have a disgusting brat in the family." Kito then leaped off the hill, marching back to his sleeping area. Baraka shook his head, "Forget about my brother." He placed his paw on his cheek. "Now. What are you going to name it, Nyah?" He smiled, licking her forehead. Nyah blushed, squinting her eyebrows. "Well... I like the name Saraa..." Monifia gleamed down at the cub, laying next to it's mum with a belly full of milk. "How about Sarafina..?" Monifa smiled, looking at Nyah then Baraka.

Imari sits, pulling her chin up and smiling. "Sounds cute." She'd agree. Soon, everyone agreed that the cub would be called Sarafina.

Earlier in the morning, Baraka excused himself and headed over towards Kito, leaning down and staring him in the eyes. "What was that behavior for?!" Baraka growled. "Is it illegal to speak the honest truth?" Kito grumpily replied, as he got up slowly, itching himself  on an Acacia tree. "You're being serious by calling my daughter who doesn't even have a known personality a Disgusting brat?!" Baraka ran up to Kito who had begun walking away, "Stop walking away!" Baraka tripped Kito over, making him fud on the dirty sand. "What was that for!?" Kito rubbed his head, staring at Baraka from below. "That was for being ignorant towards your family." Baraka stood tall, chest out and squinted brows, while staring down at his younger brother.

"Hmph." Kito sighed sarcastically, "I guess you 'Obviously' don't want me here..." Kito got up and walked someplace else and thumped himself down on his belly. Baraka, stood there, looking at Kito, "What?" Baraka glared, "You're making no sense." Kito scrunched his face, getting up and turning towards his brother, "Don't you understand?!" Kito facepalmed himself roughly, "This whole little cub is going to ruin our family. Making our group a whole jumble of begging and puppy dog eyes!" Kito circled Baraka swiftly. Baraka crosses his eyebrows, standing tall. "If we don't grow our family bigger, our family will collapse and our group will never exist in the future!" Kito pathetically ignored, walking to the edge of the hill.

The moment would zoom off with Kito sliding himself further down a hill, and Baraka left standing on top of the hill with frustration.

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