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"oh shit sorry" Henry Bowers laughed as he bumped harsly into the smaller kid. Eddie Kaspbrak stumbled backwards and began to pick up his fallen books as he heard people laughing around him. "faggot" Henry said under his breath but Eddie heard it and froze. He finally got all of his stuff and stood up quickly. "f f-fuck off" He whispered and stormed out. As he opened the front doors and stepped out quickly , he expected Henry to follow him but as he glanced back he sighed because Henry was no-where to be found. He began walking home from school.
Patrick took a long drag of his cigarette and rolled his eyes. Henry was leaning on the school's tile wall his arms crossed. "i wanna do something" He mumbled. "like what?" Patrick asked blowing the smoke out of his mouth. Belch was smoking next to Henry. "well" Henry started but then thought for a moment. "my little cousin is coming over for four weeks" Henry smirked. "so?" Belch asked. "Richie fucking Tozier right?" Patrick was now smirking too and Henry nodded. He really wanted to do something but just didn't know what. hm beat up someone really bad?... or burn someones house.. maybe throw rocks throught someones windo-
"Lets do something to that little faggot" Belch interupted Henry's thoughts "hm?"
Henrys smile grew as he heard that name. "fuck yeah"
They had always bullied Eddie a lot but this time Henry had something different in his mind. "lets let Richie decide , he always has the best ideas right?" Henry raised his eyebrowns. "yeah" Patrcik and Belch agreed. This was gonna be fun

-vera <3

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