~t h r e e~

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Just before Eddie was stepping out of the school Stanley Uris and Bill Denbrought rushed in front of him. He noticed how messy Stan's hair looked but decided not to bring it out. "hi guys" Eddie greeted with a weak smile. The two boys looked at each other.
"S s s-so we wer-were th-thinking" Bill stuttered out
"if you would like to go to the cinema with us tonight" Stan finished. Bill had his other arm around Stan's shoulder. Eddie thought for a moment and then smiled softly "yeah sure what time?"
"seven a clock?"
"sure see you guys then" Eddie waved
"s s-see y y-ya" Bill smiled at him.
Eddie stepped out of the school doors smiling. He had missed spending time with his friends and was excited to hang out with them tonight. He started walking towards his house because for some reason he didn't go with his bike in the morning and he regretted it. Cold wind hitted Eddies face and he shivered because it was getting kinda cold. It was peaceful and he was gonna see his house soon. Suddenly a car drove past him and started to slow down. Eddie noticed this but decided to just wipe it off. Window was pulled down and He froze when he reconized Henry's face. Henry was smirking and Eddie opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. "hey fag" Patrick was sitting next to Henry and was now smirking at the smaller boy too. "w w-what do you want" He asked and tried not to show fear in his voice but it was hard. Henry didn't answer instead he opened his car's door and stepped out so he was standing in front of Eddie. Eddie started walking backwards but was soon bumped into someone and the person grabbed his tiny wrist's tightly. "what the fuck" He said in panic and tried to kick the person behind him. He looked up and saw that same boy who was talking to Henry and his gang earlier at the school. Eddie gasped as the boy twisted his hands behind his back and tied them. He screamed for help but nobody heard him. The boy putted a scarf over his eyes and lifted him into Henry's car and they started driving. "l l-let me go" Eddie begged. "nope" He heard a raspy voice next to him say. Eddie nugded the person next to him harshly trying to hurt them but he only heard a small laught. He did it again this time with all the power he had. "fuck stop" the voice laughed next to him. "no" Eddie snapped and did it again. This time a big arm was wrapped around his torso keeping him down. He struggled to get free but it was no use.
They had driven like 5 minutes and Eddie couldn't stop crying. The big hand was still keeping him down as Eddie sobbed quietly. 
"let m m -me fucking go"
He felt a big hand gently rub his side and felt shivers throught his spine. 'what the fuck' he thought. He started sobbing more loudly and hand was cupped over his mouth. The car finally stopped and Eddie froze. It was quiet for a few seconds until the person next to him lifted him up and started carrying him somewhere. He tried to kick and scream but it didn't help. He tried to squirm out of the persons hands but they were too strong. Eddie heard a door opening and a moment later he felt as the person who was carrying him walked down some stairs. Richie looked at Henry "where should we put him" he asked. "hm" Henry thought for a moment and then left the basement leaving Richie alone with the smaller boy. Eddie started kicking again. "fucking let me go now" He said loudly and tried to sound threathing. Richie felt bad. Why did they chose someone so innecant and small like this kid. Richie knew he couldn't let him go it would distroye his friendship with Henry. He putted Eddie down so he was standing on his feet. Richie was about to open his mouth when suddenly Henry rushed back downstairs with a chair. Henry placed a chair down and tapped it. "there" he smirked. Richie smiled weakly and pushed Eddie towards the chair. Eddie felt as pair of hands pushed him down so he was sitting and someone began to untie his wrist's. When his hands were free he tried quickly took off his bildfold and stand up but his wrist were grabbed again harsly. Richie watched as Henry began to tie boy's hand into the chair. Eddie tried to rip free from his hold but Henry was even more stronger than Richie. His legs were tied into chair as well. He was trying to wiggle the chair he was sitting in. Richie crossed his arms "and what now" he asked and glanced at Henry who was rubbing his chin. "lets have some fun" Henry smirked and rushed out of the basement again. Eddie still couldn't see anything but was hearing everything and panic inside him was growing. Richie slowly walked over to him and removed the blindfold. Eddie blinked twice and looked ut at the boy. He then looked around clenhing his fists. "hi" Richie said looking down at boy's eyes wich were full of fear. Eddie didn't reply he just clenhed his teeth still trying to rip his hands free. Richie looked at stairs and when Henry wasn't coming yet he opened his mouth again. "what's ur name"
Eddie rolled his eyes weakly and looked up at him again. "Eddie"
Eddie decided to try one last time "please let me go" He begged. Richie seem to think for a moment but then he smirked "nope"
Eddie had to admit that Richie was kinda hot but he didn't wanna think that because he had basically kidnapped him. Eddie's panic began to rise again. "FUCK LET ME FUCKING GO" he screamed as loud as he could. Richie jumped a bit and then turned around and started walking up the stairs. He saw Patrick Belch and Henry talking and walked up to them. "Do you have any tape he is screaming like a crazy" Patrick crossed his arms. Belch nodded in agreement and Richie just stared out of the window. "yeah" Henry went to kitchen and came back with a tape roll in his hand. He throwed the tape to Patrick and smirked. Richie rolled his eyes as Patrick began walking towards the basements door with a tape. He heard talking and then Eddie shouting again but suddenly it stopped. Patrick came back with smirk and placed the tape on to table. "Richie wanna have fun?" Henrys voice snapped Richie out of his thoughts. "huh?"
Henry pulled out his pocket knife and handed it to Richie. "i dare you to carve something in to him" Henry said and tilted his head like a little kid. Richie froze "like what?"
"i dont fucking know" Henry laughed and Richie hesitatedly took his knife. He started walking down the stairs with the knife in his hand. He saw Eddie and he had tape over his mouth. First he just looked annoyed but when he saw a knife his eyes widen. He tried to wiggle the chair as best as he could but it wasn't working. Richie stepped closer and ripped the tape from Eddie mouth. He saw immeadly that something was wrong. "i i-inhaler"
"my bag"
Richie looked at a small fanny bag that was tied around his waist. He opened it and found a inhaler. He placed it in Eddies mouth and pressed the trigger. He didn't know if he did it correctly but atleast it seemt like it. He putted inhaler back into boy's fanny back and looked at him again. Eddie was staring at the knife in Richie's hand in panic still trying to rip free. Richie took the bildfold from a floor and putted it over Eddies eyes again. The smaller boy started gasping. "p p-please dont" He begged. Richie sighed , he couldn't do it. He backed off but didn't remove the blindfold. Instead he leaned on to cold tile wall and pulled out his cigarettes. He lighten up one and took a long drag of it. Eddie waited for something to happen but when nothing did he relaxed a bit. "can you took this off" he asked. Richie walked over at him "sure" he said taking it off. Eddie looked around and saw that Richie had dropped his knife on to floor and was now smoking besides him. He crunched his nose in disgust as toxic smoke reached his face. "those things will kill y -you" Eddie said carefully. "hopefully soon" Richie laughed. Eddie looked up at him in confusion. "do you want to die or something" He asked and immeadly looked down at his lap. stupid question..
At that Richie just laughed. He finished his cigarette and took the blindfold and piece of tape from the floor. He began to put the tape back but Eddie turned his face away. Richie stared at him for few seconds and then sighed. He tried to put it again but Eddie turned his face again. "sorry i have to" Richie said. He then grabbed Eddies chin keeping it still. He got a tape back and then took a blindfold. Eddie's eyes were begging him to not but it on but Richie had to. "sorry" he said one more time before putting it on. He walked up the stairs and saw that Henry and his friends were no where to be found. He walked into Henry's kitchen and opened fridge. He must be starving. There was not much but atleast Richie found some bread. He took it and walked back downstairs. He took the blindfold and tape off and bringed bread to Eddie's mouth. "what?" Eddie asked and then noticed the bread. "can't you even untie me while i eat"
Richie shook his head and with that Eddie took a big bite of bread that Richie had bringed for him. It wasn't good but Eddie was starving so he didn't dare to complain. When Eddie finished he looked up at Richie who was looking right back at him. "thanks" Eddie said quietly. Richie sighed "dont thank me"
Richie told Eddie that Henry , Belch and Patrick were not home and Eddie relaxed a bit. He didn't know why but Richie didn't scare him as much as Henry did. Althought he was the one that had tied him up. They started talking about random stuff and lost track of time. Eddie was still trying weakly rip his hands free but was starting to give up on it. "when can i leave" Eddie asked suddenly. Richie froze. He didn't even know. Could he even leave? Would he tell police if he got out?
"i dont know kid" Richie sighed and for the first time Eddie smirked a bit. He raised his eyebrowns. "what?" Richie asked when saw Eddies expression. "how old are you?" Eddie asked. "seventeen" Richie replied in confusion. "im litearlly sixteen so you cant call me kid" He was still smirking weakly. Richie chuckled a little and looked up. It had been like 20 minutes. They both stopped talking when they heard a front door slam open and shut upstairs.

trust / reddieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon