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The next day Eddie walked to school normally and went to his locker to pick some book. He slammed his locker shut and tried to find his friends but didn't see them anywhere. Instead his eyes landed on Henry , Patrick and Belch who were looking right back at him smirking. 'fuck' he thought and looked away. He hated Henry and his goons , in fact almost everyone did. Eddie looked back and noticed another boy talking to Henry and his friends. He had black curly hair and he was a bit taller than Henry. Eddie didn't reconize him from school.. maybe he was new.
Richie had arrived Derry late at night and the next day he had came to Henrys school.
"so what's the plan" Patrick blurted out and ran his hand throught his messy hair. Everyone looked at Richie who was thinking. After few seconds he finally had an idea. "Lets kidnap someone" He smirked. Henry's Belch's and Patrick's eyes shot to look at him and Patricks mouth dropped. It was few seconds later when they all were smirking at each other. "fuck yeah"
"but who's the victim" Richie asked crossing his arms still smirking. "schools little faggot" Belch spitted.
"Eddie Kaspbrak"
Richie nodded. His smiled had dropped at the word that Belch had spitted out. He didn't like that word at all for some reason but he quickly wiped it off. "So here's the plan.." Henry started

a/n ; i feel like this is very cringy but yEaH
-vera <3

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