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Why hello there! I must say it's rather nice to see that you've shown up. While you're here. May I tell you a story? Oh it's a wonderful little thing! Oh, you wouldn't mind would you? Would you? Would you? You wouldn't mind right? Of course not! So! It's about three little reapers. Well. Little may be a bit of an exaggeration. But that doesn't matter. There's my precious little baby Clay, Niel, and Dewi. Oh... You can't remember their names? That's fine. You'll learn them all in time.

I'm assuming you don't know too much about this story, yes? I wouldn't expect you to. To start, reapers are a nearly indestructible race. Isn't that cool! Only two people in existence can harm them! Not even me! They're impressive indeed!! Their skin is thicker than anything you could imagine. You couldn't break it. Even if you spent your entire, miserable little life trying! They kill things too. They can separate your soul from your body just like that! It's their job to actually!! They have special powers too but... you'll learn about that in time.

Theres a lot more about them that I'll allow you to learn on your own. I want this to be a fun story afterall. And I cant go and tell you everything directly. That wouldn't be fun. You want to have fun dont you?

I want you to have fun.

So enjoy my little story, wont you? I promise not to dissapoint you!! I'm here for your enjoyment afterall.

I wrote this for you.

I like you.

Do you like me?


Enjoy the show.

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