Day Three.

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"So... what exactly is the plan here exactly?" Lypsus looked down at Neil.

"Well!~" He sang with a wide smile on his face, "We're going to go see Clay! And you're gonna take me to him."

Lypsus scoffed "Don't act like you dont already know where he is."

"Oh come now!" He smiled- quickly hopping infront of Lypsus and smiling up at him "Play along now wont you dear!? Its more fun that way."

Lypsus just turned from him- refusing to respond. "Just. Come with me." He didnt let Niel see his face as he turned and started to walk off.

"Oh thank you Lypsus, dear! You know if you wished I'd gladly welcome you into my arms aswell~"

Lypsus didnt respond.

"Well it was worth a shot." He snickered "So. You live with Clay now, mmm?"

"Can you stop pretending you don't already know this shit. Its not like Niel can hear us."

His cheery- cocky demeanor changed. He seemed. Mad "I told you to play along. I want you to play along, Lypsus."

"Yeah well it isn't that easy now is it." He stopped in his tracks to turn and glare at 'Niel'. But was instantly met with regret. 'Niel' stared into his eyes with just a dark. Blank expression. "O-Oh.. ah.."


Lypsus looked away. Trying to keep himself calm "Y-Yeah.. we. We live together."

"That wasn't so hard now was it."


A smile quickly cracked back onto Niels face as he skipped passed Lypsus "Oh good boy!! Now how is dear Clay doing, mm?"

"He's been doing a lot better." Lypsus once again averted his eyes. Starting to walk once again, "It was a bit difficult after he got released from HH. Still a bit shaken up and all but.. since we started living together I've been able to help him and hes... been. Really happy."

"Happier than he's ever been, would you say?"


"Oh good!" Niel smiled and walked alongside him "I'm very glad that he's been doing well! And that you've been able to help him!"

"Yeah.. me too..." Lypsus mumbled and continued to walk in silence. Every so once in a while Niel would mumble something to himself. Or let out a loud yell. Telling. Someone. To shut up.

Which Lypsus didn't find particularly out of the ordinary. He often talked to his brother during episodes like this. Lypsus just. Tried to pretend it wasn't happening.

"We're here." Lypsus stood at the foot of a rather large door.

Niel quickly snapped back into reality "Oh joy!! Why dont you get my boy cleaned up and we can bring Clay back to earth, mm?"

"...fine. But I'm not doing it if you're in there."

Niel shrugged and let out a "Fair enough." Before Niel's body hit the floor.

Lypsus sighed and picked him up- taking Niel into the house. He made his way to a bathroom and sat Niel down on a toilet. Running the bath and feeling the water. As the tub filled Lypsus left the room and checked a nearby bedroom where Clay was sleeping. He let out a soft breath and stepped inside. Bending down and softly kissing his forehead. Running his fingers through Clay's hair "I'm sorry." He let out quietly before getting back up- and returning to Niel.

He slowly and carefully undressed him before putting him in the bath. He wasnt neccessarily surprised at what he saw. Niels thin, scarred and bloody body. He felt. Bad. "No one should be treated as hes treated you, huh?" He mumbled. Softly laughing to himself "I get it. Madness has tormented us too."

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