Day Four.

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"Alright..." Lizz let out a huff before returning to the dark room where Niel was once held. She was fidgeting with a bag- about to take something out when she noticed it was. Really quiet. And.


She immediately noticed that she was now the only one in the room.

"What... the FUCK-" She slammed her bag down to the ground and looked all over the room for Niel- or Lypsus. "WHERE ARE THEY- I swear to GOD." She groaned before coming to the conclusion that they were both gone. She went back and picked up her bag before running out of the room.

"That bastard must have done something to Lypsus." She spoke to herself- trying to wrap her head about what she had just saw "And.. Clay- Clay! Fuck fuck fuck-" She let out- panicked.

She ran out of the room- as fast as she could. Trying. Desperately. To beat Neil to Clay. "Come on come on-" she let out through deep breaths- panting.

It didnt take too long for her to arrive at the moderately large house. It didnt looked to be damaged at all. The lights were on, the door was closed. Seeing it made her feel. Relived "Ah-! Clay.. Clay you have to come wi-" she opened the door and called out to him. But her words slowly trailed off to silence. "C-Clay-?" The house seemed empty.

She made her way through the house- checking the kitchen, bathrooms, and finally- dreadfully. She checked the bedrooms.

No one. The house was completely empty.

"Fuck.. FUCK." She fell onto her knees and gripped her hair. "Fuck. M-Maybe. He's just. Out. W-With Teresa or something."

She let out a laugh.

"Yeah.. Teresa... I just.." she slowly got onto her feet- body shaking. "I just.. gotta be sure." She whispered to herself before slowly exiting the building. Closing the door behind her with shaky hands. "Ah.."

Once again- she was on the road. Running through the streets. Faster than before. She was desperate.

Quickly- she made it to a tall- pink house. She didnt knock. Nor did she hesitate in entering the house. "Teresa! Is Clay here- when was the last time you saw him" she called out to. What seemed to be nobody.

Before an angel poked her head out of a nearby door, "What..?" She looked tired, "No hes- hes not here. Whats wrong with y-"

"That doesn't matter!" She made her way to the door Teresa stood in, "When was the last time you saw him."

"Last night.. He was over here because he had to talk to me about something.."

"Did he say anything about what he'd do the next day-? Did he give you any clue to where he'd be now-"

"What...? No.. But he seemed.. tired.. I guess-?"

"Thank you." Lizz let out quickly and started to leave.

"Hey are you.. okay? You're a total mess.." Teresa stepped out of the doorway "You need anything...? To lie down or-"

She didnt stop. "I'm fine." She said as she stepped out the door. Closing it behind her.


Panicked, she went straight back to running down the streets, beginning to lose it. Sparks beginning to fly from her shaking hands.

It truly was s sight no one had really seen in. A very. Very long time. Whoever layed eyes on her began to worry.

What was going on.

She ran through the streets, passing people by- running into a few of them- but she didnt let that stop her.

She made her way up to a very large, black, square shaped building. Two large men stood at the door.

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