Day One.

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Hello again.

Today we will start our little story. Aren't you excited!? Here it is. All just for you. And you alone. Don't you feel special?

You should.

Now, lets begin, shall we?

"Fuck." Neil groaned, rubbing his eyes and pushing his hand through his hair. He sat up in his bed.

The room surrounding him was dark. And dirty. He didn't have any decorations. Unless you could count the dust, spider webs scattered about the room and the stains on his bed, blankets and floor decoration. It was clear he didn't keep up with it. A fowl stench emanated from it as well.

"I didn't mean to go to sleep." He let out in a monotone, groggy voice "I'm sorry father." He whispered to... What seemed like nobody. Before standing up and getting dressed. His clothes didn't seem to be washed. It looked like they hadn't been in years.

But before we go into that.

Neil's body was incredibly thin. It looked like he hadn't eaten once in his entire life. You could see his bones clearly as they creaked with every movement. His body also seemed to be covered in small dots. And holes. All along his neck, arms, legs, and torso. The ones on his neck much larger than the rest. They looked fresher too.

He put on a pair of dark black pants first. You couldn't tell they were dirty because of course- they were black. Following that was a deep gray sweater that had been lighter than it is now, but the muck, dirt and blood that had accumulated over the years stuck to it, and caused it to darken. After that, a patchwork looking lab coat. Which was weird because. He didn't seem the smart type. He definitely was no scientist. But he wore it anyway.

He didn't out on shoes or socks. Not one pair of either could be seen anywhere in the room. It was fair to assume he didn't have any.

He left his room and into a long hallway. It seemed just as dirty as his room was. He treaded slowly through the hallway. Dirt coated wooden floorboards, which curled every which way from years of abuse and water damage, creaked with every step he took. He passed about five dark grey doors. They appeared to have previously been white but. They weren't anymore.

Erratic black splashes of.. something. Coated the walls, and doors. As well as black streaks on the ground lead into each room. Except for Neil's.

Whatever the black substance was it looked like it had been. Thick. It hadn't dripped much from the walls and doors. And seemed it pool up in one point at the bottom of each little drip it did posses.

Neil made his way into a larger room. A dining room it seemed. But the table w as crooked, a leg of it was missing, and a few chairs had been knocked onto the ground. It didn't seem to have been used much. Though just like the rest of the house, it was still somehow coated in a layer of filth and grime. With more of the black substance on it than anything else.

Neil sat down in one of the chairs that hadn't been knocked over. He put his elbows onto the table and his hands together. Leaning over them. And began to pray. "I apologize my father. I've failed you today. And for that I will punish myself in your stead. I pray that you will help me do it. Please. Take my mind. Make me pay for my acts against you." He sat back up and with a wide grin on his face, almost seeming excited, he took a needle out of his coat pocket, instantly driving it into the skin on his arm. Pressing it all of the way into his wrist.

He immediately erupted in a fit of deranged laughter. Not soon after, the same black substance that had coated the house came spewing from his mouth. It seemed to last forever. Quickly streaming down his face. Covering the bottom of his jaw and his lap in a thick, black ooze.

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