Day Five.

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The formerly grimy and dark home they all now resided in was starting to look. Pretty nice. The girls had cleaned up a bit. Took some time to scrub off all of the blood and dirt off of their floors and walls.

"Anything to welcome Neil's brother." They'd say. Over and over. Anytime anyone asked.

Though, to be honest, not many people did.

Lypsus didn't sleep. Nor did Clay. Neil wouldn't let him. Though, even without Niel's rules, Clay wouldnt have been able to sleep.

All Lypsus did the night before was sit outside of the room that Clay and Neil now shared. Waiting. And listening.

At a few points in the night Dirk would 'check-in' on Lypsus. Though he always had an. Almost snobby tone in his voice. And that he was looking down on Lypsus.

"Still won't sleep, hm?"


"Well who's fault is that-? You clearly aren't trying you know? Sitting outside of Niel's bedroom. Can't be too comfortable."

"No. It isn't."

"Hm. I see. Well! Sleep well.... I guess." Dirk let out a soft snicker. Though he seemed to enjoy prodding at Lypsus- neither of them had very much to say to the other.

But! In the morning the house was looking spotless- well. Almost. Some blood stains were too tough to fully scrub off. And the girls weren't the most thorough either- some spots that they neglected were still coated in a thick layer of dust.

Dirk and Kane got up much earlier than everyone else and put up decorations for Clay's welcome party. Kane did most of the work. Hanging up streamers throughout the house. Though nothing hung too low as not to overwhelm Neil. Kane worked hard to not crowd the place. Dirk helped as well- but he seemed. Less enthused.

Once everything was prepared, Kane knocked on Neil's bedroom door, where Neil and Clay had been playing a little game. It wasn't anything big. Just a simple board game. Clay wasn't the must enthused about it- but Neil didn't notice through his own excitement.

"Oh Clay!" Neil hopped up from the floor they had been seated on, "Do you hear that?! They're ready for us Clay- They're ready!" Neil looked down to Clay with a wide- open mouth smile. Unfortunately, Neil had not begun to grow on Clay just yet.

Not yet.

And Clay didn't give Neil a proper response. He was tired, understandably so I suppose. Clay stood up and only got the chance to look at Neil before his hand was quickly grabbed. Neil flew out the room- dragging Clay behind with him.

"Oh it's marvelous!" 

{Ay yo. Sorry its a bit abrupt but I'm changing the way I'm writing this :') Sorry!!! But I simply cant write this long of a story in such detail. I want to get all of the information across, and write out the entire story, but I cant do that like this. I apologize. I will let you all keep what I had been writing in this chapter, because I think it teaches you about their personalities and the way they interact. Im gonna work on writing this. Properly. Instead of just going for it, because going for it has REALLY burnt me out. 

So I guess Im going on a?????/ Hiatus?????? To rework and do this properly?????? But its not like I was uploading before lol. So call it what you will. Hopefully soon I will be back to writing and it will be better than ever!}

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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