Stubborn Survivor

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Aincrad, Floor 63. A lush jungle region encircling a murky swamp at the center of the floor. The entire landscape was a treasure trove for herbalists and leatherworkers, containing herbs for high-level potions and hides from powerful creatures. However, the real profits came from the swamp. Aside from the Labyrinth's presence and unique herbs, there were caves across the swamp containing special crystals for use in enhancing equipment. Since the front lines had moved to Floor 65, this floor was generally safe for most players up to that point to navigate.

Despite this, there weren't that many players exploring the swamps. The whole region wasn't even mapped out, as after players discovered the area's gimmick, they wanted to clear it as soon as they could. At all times, the swamps were clouded in a poisonous fog. It would sap the strength of unprepared players, slowly draining HP while quickly inflicting crippling status effects. Constantly using crystals to counter that simply wasn't viable. Vision was obscured while inside of it, and everything native to it was a sickly color. Everything reeked of death. The only reprieve was the occasional spire rising above the dark cloud, almost like a mini-oasis. Materials from this swamp were therefore quite rare, only gathered by well-equipped scouts like yourself. And as you learned today, hot-headed blacksmiths.

You were wandering the swamps alone, just looking for herbs on the surface. Typically, you traveled in parties for runs through dungeons and other dangerous areas, but you've come here often enough to consider it a day-to-day routine. The kind of stuff you don't need a party for. You came equipped with a mask resembling that of a plague doctor's, which protected you from the swamp's toxic gases. As if those weren't enough for unprepared travelers, there were also the monsters to deal with. Sneaky gators, swamp beasts, giant bugs, and other creatures called the swamp their home. Their constant buzzing and low growls reminded you that a swarm of enemies was never far away here. You couldn't handle groups of foes with your choice of weapon. Instead, you made strong use of your Hiding and Detection skills to avoid enemy encounters. What you didn't expect to see, however, was another player coming into your detection range.

A silhouette lingered in the distance, seemingly moving closer. The fog made it impossible to make out bodily details, but you could still notice their movements. They were swaying, like they were weakened. You looked around for a hiding spot, then decided to duck behind a nearby cypress tree. After getting a little closer, their movement seemed to stop momentarily. You then saw their body collapse into the mud and fade from your view. It seemed to you as if they were unprepared for the swamp's atmosphere.

You ran over to them, desperately hoping they were still alive. They were face-down in the mud, thankfully, so you could only see the back half of their body and pink hair. On their person was a red waitress uniform with metal plating, and brown boots. Their HP was already dangerously low, and kept dropping the longer the poison permeated their body. You had to get them out of there fast. Making sure the immediate area was safe, you took a piece of cloth and wrapped it around their face to slow the HP drain, if only a little. You then hoisted the player onto your shoulders, splashing mud onto your titanium breastplate. The two of you were pretty deep into the swamp, and you weren't confident that you could make it out in time. You had to find a spire quickly.

One of these safe areas lie on the path many players took towards the floor's Labyrinth. People that knew the area at least a little had likely heard of it. That's where you were headed. Carrying a player with you made sneaking around more difficult, as now you had more weight to every step. It took more seconds of hiding to get out of enemies' normal detection ranges, and time was the last thing you had access to right now. God forbid one of them actually noticed you and decided to attack. Despite the odds, however, you made it to a rock spire in time. It was nothing compared to the Labyrinth's figure towering in the distance, but it rose high enough to escape the poison. Wrapping around it was a small path leading to the top. You began to scale it, glad that both you and this mysterious player were safe. As the path ascended above the swamp, you could see actual greenery begin to grow. The light of day could finally be seen. These spires were pockets of life in a land filled with husks.

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