Blessing of Protection

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Back in Lindarth, you immediately found your way to Lisbeth's shop. It was already well into the night, but despite that, you could see the lights on through the windows. Her shop was officially closed, so this was entirely work on the raiding party's equipment. When you got close to the entrance, you could hear Lisbeth's hammer rhythmically pounding away at metal. The front door was locked, so you couldn't just let yourself in. You didn't have a key, either. Instead, you forcefully knocked on the door, just to make sure you could be heard.

Soon enough, you heard the beating stop. A moment later and Lisbeth was at the door with her trademark smile. And a set of whiskers.

"Who's there...?" She paused when she realized who was at the door. "Oh, it's you! Come on in!"

As soon as you stepped inside, she shut the door and trapped you in a giant hug.

"Silica told me about what happened. Thank goodness you're okay."

Then something made her jump back.

"Whoa!" Liz yelped as she pulled away.

"What's the matter?"

"You feel really hard right now... hard as a rock."

"It's a long story." You didn't catch onto her implication at first.

"Aww, I just didn't think you'd be this happy to see me!"

"Wait..." It took you a second to get what she meant. "Wait, no! That isn't it! I swear I'm not!" She turned you into a blushing mess immediately. At least you got to hear her adorable laugh afterwards.

"I know, I know! I'm just messing with ya! Tell me what actually happened later, though. I'm still in the middle of this job. Might have to pull an all-nighter for it."

"Right, I just came by to say hi and all. And not to work yourself too hard, I guess. I gotta ask though, what's with the whiskers?"

Getting a closer look at them, they looked awfully familiar.

"Oh, these?" She traced one with her finger. 'It's just something Silica came up with. Said trying a neko style might bring in a few more customers. I find that pretty hard to believe, but last time a friend gave me fashion advice, I became one of the most successful businesses in Aincrad."

Honestly, you found that hard to believe as well.

"Wouldn't you need ears to go along with them, though?"

"Yeah, I would. Silica said she had a pair, but isn't letting me borrow them." Her voice was getting slightly more uncomfortable.

"Oh, fair enough."

"Anything else you need?"

"Just wondering if I could stay the night with you."

Her face went chili-red. "What? Why?"

"Doctor kinda drained me of cash, and I don't think I can afford one night at the inn because of that."

"Are you sure about that? It just seems a little odd for you of all people to be broke."

"Yeah... it's true." You weren't actually certain of that, but the big bill from the rock fungus stuck out, so you believed it anyway.

"Listen, I can't do that tonight. Bad timing. I need absolute focus if I'm gonna finish what I'm doing. But here. I'll give you the money for the inn. Use that. I don't think I've properly thanked you for helping me out today."

That was definitely not what you had in mind, but it works out.

"Oh... thank you."

"I'll get the rest of the payment to you as soon as I can. Sorry if I seem a little off-putting right now."

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