The Raid

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Floor 66. It felt so close at this point, after all the preparations done for today's raid. At least 100 players were waiting outside of the labyrinth gates, waiting for the time to enter. Each guild was counting off their own members, preferring to leave the independents like yourself to your own devices. There were a few people you knew from prior raids, but you weren't sure if it was okay to consider them friends from that alone. Still, it was better talking with them over no one. Unfortunately, you hadn't found a sign of them anywhere.

Since you likely weren't going to strike up a chat with anyone else, you figure you'd send a message to Liz and let her know how things were going. Despite having stayed up extremely late, she'd likely be awake and pounding away at her anvil at this time. What a trooper.

"Hey, Lisbeth. You awake yet? Just wanna say I appreciate the gift, can't give my full thanks yet but I swear I will when I'm back"

A little hastily written, but it should be fine to send. It might take a little while for her to respond if she was working, though.

You weren't sure what was holding up the raid leaders, but a while had passed and the gates still weren't open. Guess now was as good a time as any to hunt for your partners. Even after looking around for a bit, you ended up being the one that needed to be found. There was a man in heavy armor waving you over to him.

This man was Jera, the stone wall of your group. He wasn't the most outgoing of people, but he had a good heart and a calm mind. He typically used a two-handed halberd in battle. Useful for stabbing and hooking. Honestly, it wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind for a scout, but being able to tank has proved invaluable in the past.

"Good to see you here." Jera offered an outstretched hand.

"You too, definitely." You gave him a firm handshake. "You see any of the others around? I've been looking for them. Something's holding the raid up, and I'm getting kinda bored waiting."

"Yeah. You mind keeping her busy for me?" Jera then looked around, as if looking for someone himself. "I need to go for a bit. Tell her there's someone I need to talk to in KoB. Sorry."

"Wait, what? Why do you need me to do that?"

"She's been hounding me all morning. Nothing against her, but I'm fairly drained as is."

You nodded your head in agreement.

"We'll catch up inside, I promise." Jera then turned and melded into the crowd of players.

Not too long after, you heard a girl's voice behind you.

"Wait! It was just one simple question!"

You turned around and saw Mavis, a young woman with a lot of energy to burn, running in your direction. Without her, your group wouldn't be nearly as lively as it was. She was the other tank of the group, but instead of wearing heavy armor, she used a durable tower shield and bastard sword to block attacks.

"Nuts, I just missed him, didn't I?" She spoke between strained breaths.

"Yep. Just went into the crowd." You nodded your head,

"Did he say where he was going? I never finished what I was asking him to do!"

"Said he was going to go talk to someone in KoB. Don't know what about, though. Maybe something peaceful to clear his head?"

"Well, that doesn't mean he's getting away from what I've gotta say to him. Besides, I'm a very peaceful person. Right? Right. Anyway, see ya! We'll talk later!"

Mavis then took off in the same direction Jera went.

So much for getting to see them after a while. Luckily, you soon heard the announcement that everyone was ready to go. The tall gates began to creak open, and players began filing in.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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