Odd Feelings

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You and Lisbeth were now wading through the swamp, looking for any kind of cavern to explore. Now that you had officially formed a party, you were able to see her status and HP. The potions seemed to be working like a charm. From what you saw, the potion resistance would last for 30 minutes, and Lisbeth's HP would last for 45. Conditions haven't changed since you first found Lisbeth, there was just simply another player to factor in when sneaking around. Or attempting to, anyway. She was definitely more of a fighter, so she often goaded you to fight enemy groups that got in your way. It usually worked, since with her around, you weren't as hesitant to fight as before. She wasn't kidding when she said she could hold her own.

For the most part, you had only been speaking to give directions. Lisbeth had likely gotten bored of the silence, though, so she gave you a quick jab in the back to get your attention. 

"Hey, don't you have anything to talk about during trips like this?" Her voice was muffled from her makeshift facemask.

You turned back around toward her. "Oh... sorry. I guess I didn't think I'd need to talk." Now you had to think of a conversation topic, which took a while. That wasn't from a lack of them, but rather not knowing what she wanted to hear.

"You know, I've heard of a way to purify this swamp. Wanna hear it?" That sounded safe enough to you.

"Really?" She had perked up. "What are you waiting for? Tell me!"

"Since I come here pretty often, I went around the town on this floor asking NPCs if they knew anything about this place. Most people didn't, but I came across one person that seemed to know the source." Now you were getting more comfortable with talking. "They told me about a pair of dragons that lie somewhere deep within this swamp. Luun and Hazak, the Decaying Drakes." You now pulled up the menu and navigated to your quests. "See right here?" The quest titled <<Purification of the Rotten Land>> was highlighted. "I'm certain it has a pretty good reward, but no one wants to come to this place. Good luck gathering multiple parties willing to fight it."

"Oh..." She seemed more disappointed than earlier now, which worried you. Did you somehow screw that interaction up? And why did that thought suddenly pop up into your head? It nearly distracted you from the solution Lisbeth was offering. "What if I brought up the quest to more people? Naturally, I get some pretty strong customers, so they might be interested in something like this."

"You'd do that for me? You sounded genuinely surprised.

"Of course! I'm always happy to help out other players with this kind of thing."

That kept both of you satisfied until you reach the opening of a cavern. Until then, the land was pretty barren. No monsters had been in sight, which was a nice change of pace. In front of this cave, though, there were three Moss Walkers guarding the entrance. They were humanoid creatures covered in moss, acting as natural camouflage. Their long claws and glowing red eyes were the only features you could discern. You and Lisbeth observed them from a distance for a bit.

"They aren't leaving."

"Yeah, I noticed. Let's just ambush them and get in." Lisbeth unsheathed her weapons.

"There aren't enough hiding spots to get close for an ambush. If you've got my back covered, though, I'll run in as a distraction. Just stay here for now and keep watch." She nodded.

You unsheathed your katars and prepared to attack. If the right moment would just come already, when the enemies' backs were turned. It felt like forever before they looked away. It was almost like they already knew you were there. So instead of waiting any longer, you just charged in. The Moss Walkers adopted a defensive stance and prepared to receive your attack.

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