Chapter 3

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The large guard moved in after the three left, and he grinned, expecting to be moved to a comfortable room, instead of this cave.

"Rogue, you are being moved to a Rogue Cell." Was the growled words, "On your feet."

When Bryan didn't move, another guard that was standing in the doorway moved, till they flanked him and lifted him up without much effort.

"Hey!" Bryan complained, "What are you doing?"

"Rogue, you are being moved to a Rogue Cell." The guard replied as they mostly carried him, to a heavy door. The guard on the one side swiped his wrist across a scanner and the door clanked open, moving into the hall ahead of them.

Moving him through the door, they entered a dimly lit room that looked even more like a castle dungeon. Heavy steel doors with windows with steel plates in them was on both sides. The door gave a boom and more clanks as it closed behind them.

Swiping the scanner at the first door, the door had a series of clanks before they pulled it open.

Bryan started to shiver, as he could see the door was about ten centimetres thick and contained what looked like locks that fit into holes around it. They pushed him into the room, and while he stood in shock the door was closed behind him with a boom and clank that echoed in the room.

He was dismayed at what he saw, as he looked around the room. It was half the size, with a shower head in one corner, with a drain in the floor below it. Beside that was a toilet with the sink on the back, and the only other thing in the room was a large dog bed. The light in the room was dim and hidden behind what looked to be a heavy plate, and was out of his reach, anyways.


Later—Bryan had no way of telling time—a part of the door clanked, and a tray of food was thrust through, followed by a stack of paper!

Before he could move, the panel clanked shut. The window opened, and the guard was there, "Rogue, your meals will be delivered same as we get. The Alpha decided to provide you with the laws that you are dealing with, and related information. He instructed me to tell you that they will proceed as soon as the human courts have approved your request. Do you understand?"

"No! Get me out of here!" Bryan shouted, "This is cruel and inhumane treatment! I demand a lawyer!"

"Rogue," The guard said, clearly amused, "You are in the Wolf Justice. We do not keep with lawyers, and the way the human justice seems to be up to the one with the best lawyer or getting off on a minor thing. We believe in finding the truth and then assigning punishment for the actions given. It is in the papers provided."

When Bryan just started screaming, the guard shrugged and the window closed silently and he heard nothing farther than his own voice. By the time he had finished ranting, his stomach was complaining on how empty it was.

Picking up the tray of food, ignoring the papers beside it for now, he did smile, as it seemed they did better food...

This was all the wolves' fault! Bryan thought, Their leaders shouldn't treat a human like this; we aren't the animals.


Brook joined him at the window as they slid back the steel shutter with Elder Frank two days later.

"Your trial will start tomorrow after breakfast. You are charged with knowingly trespassing on this pack's territory for harm and with damaging the pack's property." Adam said, dispensing with the pleasantries. "The human courts have approved your request to go through our ways." He was very much annoyed at the interruption to his time with the cameras. Some investigation had this rogue being the ringleader of the group and had found anti-wolf and other hate speech online.

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