Killer in hiding (Bull)

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Everyone makes rash decisions, but some of them follow you everywhere. You cannot hude from them.

Bull never wanted this. Running and hiding.

Just because of the mistake he made.

He was just a guy with loving parents and a precious sister.

They always had fun.

But good things don't last long.

His parents were killed in a car crash. The drivers were drunk, but weren't arrested because of bribery.

Bull hated the world.

He hated the corrupted society, where money was everything.

He then made a rash descsion. He killed the driver.

He then went into hiding, as the cops were on his tail.

He didn't want to leave his precious sister, but he had to.

He arranged her to stay with his friend's house. They were to take care of her.

Then he went into the night.

He fled to a little town, waiting until the heat had died down.

It has, but he doesn't leave.

Why would you have to leave, if everything you hold dear is already here?

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