A plantologist and her assistant (Rosa and Bea)

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Rosa was the leading plantologist of the world, having studied almost every plant known to mankind. She has won multiple awards and is said to be "the most contribution to plantology ever known to mankind".

But what everyone envies the most about her is her assistant, Bea. She is one of the most passionate plantologists on the planet, only second to Rosa. They are the iconic duo of their field, being the top at everything.

But unlike some other plantolgists, they do not want to harm the plants. They want to observe it at their natural habitats, and think of ways to grow them in modern society, and lead them away from extinction.

Recently, they heard rumors about a "cactus person" deep in the deserts of brawl town. They heard that the cacti people have a stronng connection with earth magic, and can grow plants to their peak form, so they packed a small bag, and ventured into unknown to try to make yet another breakthrough.

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