Coral Rose III: No Ill Intent

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🌹Coral Rose III: No Ill Intent

The squidbeak stared. The POLLEN caused this...this weird sickness he was talking about?! Now they had a reason to dislike the pollen even more. But they were also curious. Why hadn't this happened in earlier pollen storms? They walked closer to where Rider was, still holding their drinks.

"Uh. Please explain" Prince said worriedly.

"Ah yes, so. This disease in the olden days was known as "The Hazard Spots" for the bright orange splotches it made on skin. It's rather contagious, though people who get it from said people take longer to fully receive it. Worry not though! It alone is not fatal and does not kill, but it CAN lead to cold or flu symptoms, which may cause something worse" Captain Cuttlefish replied.

"There's...there's a cure, right?" Hachi asked nervously.

"Ah yes, but of course! It's called a Rubyrise fruit, a rounded heart shaped fruit that can cure almost any disease! Unfortunately, that is the only known cure" Captain Cuttlefish replied.

"Well then, where do we find one of these fruits?" Nana asked, ready to start looking.

Captain Cuttlefish shook his head.

"There was an ancient garden somewhere within the forest. I don't exactly know where, but that's where my granddaughters went earlier today. They're currently quarantined somewhere so it doesn't get worse."

Hachi gasped lightly at the mention of quarantine.

"Oh dear. Can you at least estimate where though?"

" was probably somewhere southwest if I remember correctly..."

Okay, Black Forest was south EAST the last time the squidbeak checked, so this time they would just have to continue right when going through that forest. Sounded simple enough. Only problem was that this would probably be an overnight trip. They hadn't fared too well in their previous night travels, and Hachi wasn't ready to get picked up by a mutant anglerfish again. He was lucky that the one from last time wanted to bring him to her babies and didn't eat him immediately, but he might not be so lucky this time.

"Alright, well then let's start on our adventure!" Flip shouted, ready to go.

"Uh. Don't you think we should maybe...pack food or something? Because last time we all had to pray that we'd find wild berries and stuff" Gloves asked.

"But the scent of that food might attract more predators. I don't think we should do that" Emperor replied.

"Dangit, you're right."

"Maybe something small wouldn't hurt" Nana said, "Something small like a granola bar, or a few pieces of candy."

"That would work!" Prince smiled.

Hachi nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. That sounds good."

"Well then, we've been in the forest before and all we need now is training!" Rider exclaimed triumphantly.

"Right. Let's go everyone!" Emperor shouted.

The squidbeak ran back to the grate and dove in. In a minute or so, they popped back out in inkopolis square. They checked the time, which was currently around noon. They thought to themselves before realizing that it would be better to use this day to train and then head out the next day, early in the morning. That way, they could deal with less troubles in the forest.

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