'The Truth Will Out'

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'As muggles say the truth will out.' - Arthur Weasley

My eyes widened  'Neville Luna come read this,' I called out as I spread it across the table Fawkes sat perched on Kaname's shoulder, Neville and Luna moved around the small table ready the Daily prophet.

"'After an investigation into the allegations given to us against those who are set for trial and Albus Dumbledore,' Madam Bones said 'Under veritserum it was found that the prophecy was faked by Trelawney, to gain the job in the area that family was known for.'" It then went on about the charges against Dumbledore and what he has to say, "'Straight away I knew it was fake but I was able to manipulate those who were weak to me,' Dumbledore said smugly 'I molded Thomas Riddle into dark lord since the fall of Grindewald to save the world.

So I had Snape be our spy and got the Longbottom's and Potter's to hide and not behind the old family wards that would've helped. but that night on Halloween no one was to survive till Lily potter activated a silver of her power beyond what she was and the potter child survived.

To keep her compliant I placed the idea in Sirius Black's head that he was her Godfather so that she wouldn't be with a loving family. I paid the Dursly’s to abuse so that she would become reliant on the first adult that showed her kindness. And paid part of the Weasley family to become her friends of course Arthur Weasley had no idea what I had planned.

I even paid Hermione Weasley to be her friend but she cut across the house rivalries and became friends with those in Slytherin, I had regain my control over her so I had the one she cared about Sirius Black killed. then she was back under my control after the marriage contract for her between Ron Weasley would have activated at the age of seventeen she would've produced and heir then killed. After of course Voldemort was seen too.

As she had done that, the only thing I neglected to do was to permanently seal away her creature inheritance, that of a pureblood vampire. I was able to do that with Lily Potter as soon as she enter Hogwarts. But this plan has been in the making since James Potter entered Hogwarts they were to die just so I could gain their money....'"

I stopped reading the windows looked as if they were about to crack under pressure, I sighed closing my eyes gaining control of my emotions. ‘Lady Aya,’ Neville muttered. ‘I know Neville,’ I said. ‘What’s the plan now?’ Neville asked. ‘Nothing,’ I said ‘I came here for a new start, I’m not about to run back to the place that caused me all that harm. I’m not about to get caught in his web of lies once more.’

‘Lady Aya,’ Rima said ‘May I ask who you are referring to?’ ‘Albus Dumbledore,’ I said. Ichijo sucked in a breath, ‘I do believe you have something to tell us Ichijo,’ Kaname said closing his book. ‘Dumbledore is an old friend of my grandfather’s,’ Ichijo said ‘As he is head of the Vampire Senate, my Grandfather wouldn’t have gotten it without Dumbledore. Also the late Lord Potter, your father, Lady Aya, he had a sister that had died during childbirth my grandfather covered it up.’

‘Lord Kaname we have returned,’ two voices spoke at one. ‘Ah excellent,’ Kaname said ‘Aya I would’ve told you before but I had them watch over you in your time at Hogwarts and the humans, this is Mao and Mio, identical twins. Your cousins on your father’s side. Mao and Mio were exactly alike from the uniform to their facial features and hair both shoulder length in size. Mao’s fringe parted at the right with two black clips at her left side whereas Mio’s fringe parted at left with two black clips at her right side.

‘Lady Aya and cousin,’ Mao and Mio spoke ‘We could only watch from a distance and we are sorry for not stepping in at the abuse that they put you through and what Dumbledore had put you through. But we had a duty that Lord Kaname placed upon us, we wish to be your family and want to serve you in the best way possible and wish to be your bodyguards.’
‘Thank you very much I would like that too,’ I said ‘May I ask your Mother was my father’s sister yet I do not know who your Father is.’ Mao and Mio looked at Ichijo, ‘Their Father was once my uncle,’ Ichijo said ‘He was once able to make peace between the Senate and Purebloods Lady Aya. But alas someone had him killed.’

‘Interesting,’ I mused ‘Fawkes,’ I called out as he soared over to the newspaper and incinerated it ‘Deliver this letter to the Minister of magic for Japan and England.’ He nodded, then dropped a potion vial into my hand a gold liquid, Felix Felicis. ‘For when you in need of a bit of luck, Horace Slughorn.’

‘Mao, Mio your not witches are you?’ Neville asked. ‘No we are not,’ they said. ‘This is just getting creepy,’ Hanabusa whispered. ‘We always talk like this it gets the message across much more easier,’ Mao and Mio said but I could tell they were ready to burst out laughing.

Which is what Mio did, then did Mao, a small smile graced my lips, ‘Thanks for the tip Luna,’ Mao said. ‘You really know what the best thing to do to someone is,’ Mio smiled. Luna didn’t respond, her dazed look she has about her changed into an even more dazed look, her eyes glazed over I walked over to Luna she grabbed my hand and spoke 'Death’s Mistress supposed girl of light now shrouded in the delights of the darkness and power. For when he awakens joining forces with those who sought to oppress you after a power greater than your own created with your true love.’

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