Changing Minds

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'Hello night class,' I heard Zero say as he pulled out bloody rose a vampire weapon on them I sat in tree holding the potions 'What do you want.' 'You know your a little cocky, Zero Kiryu,' Hanabusa said. 'Your just a human,' Ruka bit back 'And the way you treat Lord Kaname and Lady Aya.'

'Are we really doing this?' Rima asked. 'Yeah but Takuma said we should leave it alone,' Senri said. 'Look he's right,' Akatsuki said 'Hanabusa, Ruka if Lord Kaname and Lady Aya finds out. They'll tare you a part...' 

'Now that you've all had fun,' I said joining the party 'I know that you all mean well but time to go back to class, but you Zero drawing a vampire weapon on those that are not level-e's from what I learned from God father a former vampire hunter is the ground of execution. But I won't tell if you don't.' 

They all left beside Zero, 'I'm very sorry to do this Zero but you leave me no choice,' I said 'Stupefy.' Pointing the elder wand at him he fell to the ground I then forced the potions down his throat, 'Thank you,' Kaien said as he hefted Zero over his shoulder 'Starting tomorrow night Zero is now apart of the night class, I will keep Yuki off to inform her and that you can go shopping.'

As I reached class, there was no teacher, 'As of tomorrow night Zero Kiryu is a part of the night class,' I said. 'There's no way we can let that bastard join,' Hanabusa said slamming his hands down on the table. 'This isn't up for a debate,' Kaname said 'As a child Zero's family was attacked by a pureblood Shizuka Hio because they were ordered to kill her human lover that she turned into a Level-e.'

'She bit Zero,' I said 'And slowly he's been falling into level-E, if it hadn't been for me tonight. I gave him potions that if he took on a regular basis he would be Level-d. Sadly that wasn't the case he is now Level-c ordinary vampire that can wield a vampire weapon and had taken a memory altering potion to make him believe he has always been like this it's the only way.' 

The door to the classroom opened and Luna left, ignoring the others I followed. 'Luna!' I shouted. 'It's alright,' Luna kind of smiled 'You have big plans, I don't want to get too close or my seer abilities. You never made me a...' 'I want to, so very much,' I said 'You know my past, how many people had betrayed my trust the money that was stolen ancient books on Purebloods. I'm sorry I just find it hard to trust others, your my sister be my bridesmaid or at least...'

'I'll be your maid of honor at least, dear sister,' Luna smiled 'I don't expect you to change.' 'All though I do expect Neville to put a ring on your finger or else someone will snatch you up,' I said 'Now how do feel up for shopping tomorrow afternoon Dresses and what not, Yuki's coming.'

'Sure,' Luna said 'Why don't we have Neville take Kaname to the shopping district in Japan for shopping.' 'Oh no,' Akatsuki whispered 'Women together planning are never a good thing.' 'Well Luna I'm tired aren't you?' I asked her, she agreed. Takuma frowned 'Haven't we only been up for a few hours?' 'I'm going shopping for my wedding dress tomorrow during the day in Diagon Alley,' I said.

'Ah, Lady Aya,' Ruka said 'Can Rima and I join you?' 'Sure why not the more the merrier,' I smiled. The next day when we came back from shopping with just an hour before classes, 'Do we have to?' Luna whined. 'Only to introduce Zero to the class thats all it's not like were doing any lessons,' I shrugged

I melted into Kaname's arms that had wrapped around my waist, 'Did you ladies enjoy your shopping?' Kaname asked his breath tickling my ear. 'No you're not finding out my dress,' I said kissing his cheek 'Yuki took it to my godfather's house.' 

Kaname and I arrived in class, god father then came in with Zero, 'As you all know Zero has had trouble with his thirst so the only alternative was for Zero to move to the night class,' Kaien smiled 'Now I hope you can all be good friends.' Kaien skipped out of the class.

'Lay any weapons you've brought on the table,' Kaname said calmly. Zero stared Kaname in the eyes, 'Look we know you don't like us,' Akatsuki said 'But we have to try and get along.' Zero sighed and put Bloody Rose on the table and an extendable Bo staff as well. 'These will be kept in your room and not to be brought out,' Kaname said 'Unless there is an emergency.' 

'Understood,' Zero said 'Don't any of you learn anything.' 'Everything we've learnt was at home as children form our parents,' Takuma said 'We're here only because Lord Kaname asked us to.' 'And it's my only way away from bigoted wizards,' I said as I sat on the table next to his weapons 'So how are you feeling Zero?' 

'Like I've accepted a part of me I shouldn't have been denying,' Zero said 'Headmaster said you gave me some potions, I told him I didn't want to know what they were. But I guess I should say thank you.' All the vampires in the room at vampire hunter come normal vampire say thank you someone. 'I do hope that you can be of help when it comes to certain things,' I said. 'Maybe,' Zero said his face remained impassive but his eyes gave away a smile.

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