Wedding Plans and solving Zero's Problems

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'Lord Kaname, Lady Aya may we come in?' Akatsuki knocked on the door, 'It's time for class.' 'So it's settled then the night of the blood moon in two weeks,' Kaname said 'Our marriage will happen then.' 'Oh Akatsuki,' I said 'Very sorry Kaname and I woke up early discussing wedding plans, I'll need to go over a few things with Yuki.'

'Ah yes,' Kaname said putting his blazer on 'Keeping the humans away for the week. Go and see the Chairman now if you please.' I picked up the book that held our plans a simple wedding with the night class Yuki, Severus who would be overseeing the ceremony, a few choice witches and wizards and those who we have here.

'I'll apparate back to class when I'm finished,' I said normally I left my hair down but I pulled it back in a ponytail. I walked out without Kaname, 'Oh Lady Aya,' Takuma said as he spotted me 'Ready to go and where is Lord Kaname?' 'Kaname will be down shortly,' I said 'I'm going to see the chairman about some wedding plans.' 'Then allow, Sebastian and I to escort you my lady.' Ciel said

'Very well,' I said as we left the dorm across the bridge and heard the shouting of the day class students. 'Your out early, Aya.' Yuki said. 'Wedding business with the chairman,' I said. 'Oh can I know?' Yuki asked as the other day class students looked at her with great disdain. 'Well I'll let you know one thing we want to invite you,' I said. 'Really I'd love to go,' Yuki said as she held out a small box to me 'I made these chocolates for you I know it's only small.' 

'Thank you Yuki,' I said 'I love it.' As I took the box,the students were angry at Yuki, 'Don't be angry at her,' I said Yuki is my god-sister basically, so I would like it if you all stop giving her bad treatment just because she treats us so kindly.' I walked away with Sebastian and Ciel, 'Wait come back I haven't given you the chocolate I wanted,' A male student shouted. 

'Sebastian make sure that he understands I only accept certain types of chocolate,' I said as Ciel and I continued on our way. As I knocked on the Kaien's door. 'Oh my dearest god daughter I wasn't expecting you two days in a row,' Kaien said 'What is it that you need?' 'Kaname and I have finalised wedding plans,' I said 'Two weeks from now, before the blood moon and because of that as we want it to be simple with no human interference.'

'So how do you wish to proceed?' Kaien asked. 'Give the Day class students a week off to go and see their families,' I said 'So that the wedding can take place, there'll be a lot of magicals coming to the wedding and many of the night class may invite their parents to witness the purebloods coming back.'

'I understand,' Kaien said 'Well tomorrow I'll issue an announcement of family week where the day class can go home for a week. But, Aya, how do you feel about all of this being married and having children while you are so young?' 'God father can I be honest,' I said he nodded 'I look at myself in the mirror and think what would happen if my parents had been alive, I grew up in a household where I was unloved and treated like a slave.'

'Sure I would have received love from my parents but my father was a Lord of an ancient and noble house his duties would've taken over his life and that of my mother's,' I sighed 'I wouldn't have had the chance to see them and passed off to a nanny, the next time I would have seen them, would have been graduating from Hogwarts and the day I got married.

'Even my dead father admitted that to me, I grew up like Kaname like most aristocrat vampires, too fast learning how the world works, I wasn't allowed to be a child. The longer we hold off the wedding the long the senate are going to pressure us and I'm not going to allow my children to grow up like that I'm going to let them be children in this world, for them to be what I was never allowed to be .'

Kaien stood up and just gave me the most fatherly hug I had ever experienced, the only one I've had. 'So do you have anymore plans?' Kaien asked.

Wedding plans:

- Simple reception like a party 

- Buffet of all types of food

- Blood available from blood bags donated from my company the witches and wizards willingly donated.

- Theme is light and dark (Creams and reds)

- No bridesmaids of groomsmen

- Wedding Ceremony overseen by a wizard or witch to ensure that no one can break the marriage.

'I have a feeling that can all be arranged,' Kaien said 'What will you be wearing?' 'This weekend I'm going Diagon Alley the place that Kaname got his clothes from their sister does wedding dresses so she will be designing mine,' I said 'Would it be alright to take Yuki, I would have the two demons that Death gave me and Mio and Mao?'

'I don't see why not,' Kaien said 'Even pick out a dress for her to attend, it's on me.' 'Err... god father,' I said 'They don't accept humans money so I'll buy Yuki the dress from the magical world and I'll bill you for the cost how does that sound?' 

Kaien nodded, 'But on a more serious note, Zero is falling deeper down in Level-E.' I sighed 'I'll have Severus ready his cure all which brings him straight up to Level-C and the memory altering potion. He'll still be able to be a vampire hunter and wield a weapon, the memory potion will alter his memory to make him think that he's been like that from birth and get rid of his hatred towards vampires.'

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