Preview of Next Chapter

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I left Zero feeling satisfied with the progress I had made with him, I entered the  dorm to find Neville with wand aimed at Rita Skeeter who had her quick quotes quill out and a gleam in her eyes.

‘So….’ I began ‘Ah the elusive Miss potter,’ Skeeter smirked ‘Care fore a quick interview.’ ‘Or I could hand you over to the minister for magic for being an illegal Animagus,’ I raised an eyebrow. ‘You shall address her as Lady Potter,’ Kaname said. ‘I don’t know what she has deluded you all with…’ Skeeter began.

‘My name is Lady Aya Potter, a Pureblood vampire,’ I said sounding board ‘I haven’t deluded anyone with anything but don’t you dare talk to me like that or in that manner at all including Kaname. Is that understood?’ ‘Clearly,’ Skeeter said. ‘The Aurors are on their way,’ Neville said ‘They’re basically the version of police but the magical police force.’

Skeeter was taken care of, one less problem for us ‘Suspended for ten days,’ Hanabusa said the next day ‘For a taste of Yuki’s blood it was all worth it.’ ‘I wouldn’t let dorm president Kuran hear you say that,’ Akatsuki said ‘Or Lady Aya for that matter, they’ll get angry.’

‘That’s what I want,’ Hanabusa pouted Kaname had taken away his blood pops for his suspension so he had to use blood tablets ‘But the other day I smelt Lady Aya’s blood, her blood was so irresistible. I just..’ ‘Hey!’ Akatsuki whispered, Kaname slapped Hanabusa ‘You just..’ Kaname looked at him with hatred in his eyes

A/N Hey people this is just a preview as the last two days I've had no wifi so tis is all I've done sso far but expect full chapter tomorrow. Peace! ✌️

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