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Jimin P.O.V.

After coming home from the hospital the others were trying their best to distract me from losing my child

I appreciate all of the effort they're putting in trying to distract me, but my thoughts keep wandering to the one who got me pregnant

Thinking about this whole situation, I've stopped wondering why this happened because dwelling on this won't help me. I will grieve the loss of my child, but there is always risk in pregnancy. With this pack, there are only four omegas and I'm the second to get pregnant. It is not very common, given that the only way for omegas to get pregnant is during the red moon... I didn't even realize what night it was when I had slept with my son's father

I never even got his name....

"Jimin" I hear Namjoon say

Looking at him he looks concerned

"I'm alright Namjoon, really, I am" I say smiling slightly

He nods, "We need to talk about pack business in Jungkook's office, but if you need us just call for us"

"I will" I say, smiling

Soon after he leaves, Jin grabs my hand and tugs me into the den

Pulling me onto the couch he crosses his legs facing me

"Now.... how do you really feel? I know you're tired of that question, but I know you aren't telling the full truth. Hell, you never even told us anything about the father of this baby. Did he even know you were pregnant? Do we know him?" Jin starts rattling off questions

I put a finger on his lips to stop him from talking, and I smile

"I'm really alright Jin-hyung. I was blaming myself at the hospital as well as on the way back, wondering if I did something to deserve losing my child... but I know blaming myself won't help anything. I'm trying not to focus on it, but the fact is, I lost my child. The father of my son was aware that I was pregnant, but he didn't respond in a way that let me know how he felt about it. I chose to try to stay away from him in case he didn't want the baby. And, I don't think I would've been able to handle him rejecting us. I didn't tell any of you because the father of the child was a rogue, and I didn't want you all trying to hurt him. So, I guess that kind of answers your last question too, no you don't know him..." I explain refusing to make eye contact

"So that's why you smelled of rogue the day after the red moon" Jin says in thought

I nod slowly, looking at him

"You know we need to tell Jungkook about this... I'm honestly surprised you never told him. He's going to be upset..." Jin says taking my hand

"I know he'll be upset, that's why I didn't want to tell him in the first place" I say nervously

Jin sighs

I still remember how disappointed Jungkook and the others were of me when I told them I was pregnant with a baby that wasn't my mate's.... I felt bad for what I had done, especially when I saw how hurt Hoseok-hyung looked. He has always protected me the most, especially when I had first come to the pack. In that moment I felt as though I had betrayed him

When I first saw him it smelled so good, but since I had seen him as I was passing the kitchen I just thought it was from whatever they were making. The word mate had passed through my mind quietly, but I just brushed it off thinking I was being too hopeful

I haven't smelled that scent since.... except for today

I feel someone poke my nose, and I realize I had completely zoned out

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