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Jimin P.O.V.


I look over in surprise seeing Hoseok standing in the doorway

Damnit, I should've known he wouldn't leave me alone just yet

Turning towards him I see he's staring straight at me in what seems to be a mixture of anger and worry

"I was planning on telling you Hobi" I try to explain

"Then why did you tell Namjoon first?" He demands

"Because he was the one that was there. He witnessed what happened. He's the one that killed Myung-soo. He was the least likely to want to plot some kind of useless revenge scheme" I say calmly

"So you decided to tell him, instead of your own ma-" he cuts himself off

"My own what? What were you going to say Hoseok?" I demand

A look of shock crossing his face as I use his full name

"Nothing ...just, nothing" He says

I roll my eyes "Of course"

Not wanting to deal with Hoseok's snappy attitude I storm out of the room, linking Yoongi

"I'm staying in Hoseok's room, he's staying with you"

I bolt up the stairs not bothering to stop and talk to anyone about anything, and I nearly slam the door closed as I enter Hoseok's room

Turning the lock I flop onto the bed

"Everything okay Jiminie?" Yoongi asks

"Hoseok went and got mad about me not telling him shit, that I was going to tell him. I was going to tell you too but he went and blew it out of proportion before I could explain" I tell him

"Can you tell me now, what you were going to tell me?" he asks

I sigh and I tell him everything that I had told Namjoon previously

"I do wish you had told me before Namjoon, but I understand your reasoning for it. If I hadn't known Myung-soo was already dead, I'd probably go hunt his ass down. Hope does have a tendency to freak out, but he's just overprotective. It was really hard to lose you for two days, but you're home safe and sound. That's what matters" he explains carefully

I nod, but realize he can't see me "Alright, can you talk to him though? I just don't want to deal with that. I'd rather sleep in a comfortable bed in my own home"

Once he agrees to talk to Hoseok I let him go to sleep, given that's his favorite thing to do

Getting up I go into his closet and pick out a shirt and smaller boxers to wear to bed, I didn't think things through all the way before my mini tantrum so I didn't grab any of my own clothes

Soon enough I'm turning off all the lights and flopping back onto the bed

I fall asleep to thankfully, pleasant dreams

Feeling like I only slept for a couple hours I wake up to knocking on the door, causing me to groan in annoyance

Ugh, why can't I sleep in?

Looking at the clock in the room, I realize it's about 9am ...I guess that's a good time to wake up

Slowly I get up, moving towards the door as the knocking persists

Reaching the door, I open it just a crack to see Jungkook standing there

"You're not who I was looking for" He says chuckling lightly

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