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Jimin P.O.V.

When I wake up I see that Jin is sitting in the chair next to my bed

"Please don't tell the others I'm your mate, I want to tell them myself when it's the right time"

I hear Hoseok say to me through the direct link

Frowning slightly and = I see that Jin is looking at me

"Are you okay my mochi? Are you in pain?" Jin asks pressing his hand to my forehead

I laugh "I'm fine Jinnie-hyung"

He looks at me for a second longer before deciding that I'm being truthful

I wonder where my mates are, are they okay?

Oh my gosh, is Yoongi okay? He's a rogue, what if they hurt him? I need to find them to make sure they're okay

Jin seemed to understand my slight panic because he sets his hand on my arm

"He's alright, Jiminie. They came to speak with us as soon as you had fallen asleep. Jungkook is completely fine with Yoongi joining the pack... of course since he's your mate we couldn't exactly say no anyways... Joonie wasn't all that happy, but he'll get over it" Jin says, looking at the wall

"Can I please get up so I can see them? I feel fine" I ask pleadingly

Jin sighs before letting go, and moves to stand in front of me, hands outstretched in case I need help

I grab onto his arms, moving gently to get up

The stitches pull slightly as I get up but it's not enough to bother me

Looking down, I see that I'm in a different outfit

Looking down, I see that I'm in a different outfit

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Frowning I wonder who changed me

"Yoongi changed you.... he had left as I was coming in" Jin explains

I nod, feeling a blush come to my cheeks thinking about how my mate had seen me naked.... well... one of my mates

Honestly, the reason why Hobi doesn't want the others to know is kind of beyond me but I'll respect his wishes not to tell anyone

I make my way into the pack house with Jin, and I meet the others in the den

By the feeling of the room, it seems slightly tense

"Jimin" I hear Hoseok gasp

Yoongi snaps his attention to me, getting up straight away and coming to stand in front of me

"Are you alright?" He asks, cupping my face

I lean into his touch "I'm perfectly fine, especially now that I'm with you"

I make sure to subtly look at both of them as I say this

Aish, it's going to be hard keeping this secret

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