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Jimin P.O.V.

We walk around outside for only a little while longer before we decide to head back inside, wanting to sit down for a while

Going into the den I notice that the main members of the pack are there. Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin, now including Hoseok, Yoongi, and myself. I frown wondering why all of them are here right now

Looking around I notice all eyes are on me, which causes me to be on edge

Yoongi steps up to me resting a hand on my lower back, as well as Hoseok moving closer to me

"What's going on guys?" I ask nervously

Noting the serious expression on Jungkook's face doesn't make me feel any better as he gestures for me to sit down

"Jimin, I need to know everything that happened the night you met Myung-soo" He says looking me in the eye

My heart rate picks up and I can tell everyone else hears it too

"W-What do you mean everything?" I ask, fiddling with the bottom of my shirt

Yoongi and Hobi sit on either side of me as I find a seat, making me feel a little bit better

"If Myung-soo is so set on creating a pack, he will indeed need an heir... I myself have yet to even find a mate so to him I'm not legitimate. But, he seems to want you to be the one to give him a child, and since the last one....." He trails off slightly, looking at the three of us sitting across from him

".... he wants to try again. And I have no doubt he'll keep trying until it happens. I want to know why" He says looking away from me

He'll keep trying until it happens? What does that even mean? How should I know why? I'm not special, especially not to someone like him

I hear Yoongi and Hoseok growl

"Don't growl at me, you know it's true the same as I do" Jungkook says demanding respect

He may be younger than us, but he's our alpha

I sigh and pat my mates' legs, trying to calm them down

"Well, there's not much to tell really. As you know, it was the night of the red moon ...I didn't want to be around the horny wolves so instead of trying to ignore everyone by going in my room, I went into the woods on the northern side of our land. It was just outside of our borders that I heard someone panting. Not realizing who or what it was I started to head back, but then they spoke. He stepped out of the shadows and told me his name is Myung-soo and I told him my name. I figured he was there for the same reason as I was, but I guess that was my first mistake" I say, sighing when I'm done

I run a hand through my hair as I feel the tension in the room

Jungkook nods "Continue"

I sigh before I go on

"I told him I was an omega, hoping he'd be turned off by my ranking, but he told me he was a rogue so he didn't have a rank. He asked me if I wanted to remain celibate and I really wanted to but the urge from the red moon was too strong... I let him approach me and well ...you all know how that turned out."

Trying not to cry at some of the expressions I see throughout the room, I look down and continue

"After finding out I was pregnant, I went to the woods every few days hoping he would meet me there, and finally he did. I told him I was carrying his child and he seemed almost uncaring. It was then that I decided I didn't want anything to do with him, not caring if I had to raise a child on my own. I refused to even attempt to raise a child with a father that didn't want them. That was the last I saw of him, until I met Yoongi" I explain

Looking at Yoongi I see the hurt and care in his eyes, and take his hand in my own, feeling a kiss the side of my head I look over

Realizing it's Hobi that kissed me I look at the others who are now watching Yoongi's reaction

Yoongi just glances at Hoseok before refocusing his attention on Jungkook, causing the others to frown

"Anything else you need to know?" He asks

Jungkook seems to think for a little while before responding

"Are you still in contact with any of your old rogue buddies?" He asks

Yoongi nods once "There are two that I still keep in contact with, I actually saw them at the mall when I went the other day"

"You didn't feel the need to tell anyone else?" Namjoon asked raising an eyebrow

"Like I explained yesterday, I told Jimin and Hope when I got back and shit got spilled at dinner" He says, clearly irritated

I know that they don't all trust Yoongi yet, but they honestly need to cut him some slack

"What did you talk about with your rogue friends?" Jungkook asks, silencing Namjoon

"They told me about how Myung-soo wants Jimin and his plan of creating a pack. I told them to keep me informed of everything going on. They very much disagree with what Myung-soo is doing, but they have to deal with him since they have nowhere to go" Yoongi says, tracing circles on my hand

Jungkook takes in all the information before nodding again

"If you receive any more information, you tell me first. Got it?" He says sternly

"Yes, sir" Yoongi says looking off to the side

After explaining everything I pretty much zoned out for the rest of the conversation and it wasn't until people were talking about dinner that I refocused in

Looking at the time I realize that we've been here for hours, it's actually dinner time ...when we came in and sat down it was barely after lunch

Just as Jin came in to tell us dinner is ready, my stomach decided to grumble loudly

Namjoon looks at me in slight shock, causing me to blush

Jin just smiles

"Sounds like someone's hungry"

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