Never Look Back

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She can still clearly recall the incident

"Babe, are you okay?" Barry asked. "told you not to eat too much sushi"

She took a deep, this is not the most romantic way to do it but Barry will be away for almost two months to attend  business conferences, and he does not want to inform him through phone nor wait for him until he gets home. She breathed deeply and came out from the bathroom, "Kim said it is normal to experience such during the first trimester of pregnancy, especially during morning"

Barry  immediately stood up as if hoping he misunderstood her..

"What did you say?"  he asked her

"I am pregnant." she answered.


"what do you mean why?"

"you know my situation with my father, we made an agreement. why did you get yourself pregnant?" he said in a loud voice

"Did i do this alone? Do you think i did this on purpose?" as she comes closer to him

"you tell me" he yelled. "Ya, I've got so much plan for us. I've been honest to you ..not this!" as he runs his hands to his hair

Yaya was never so angry in her life. She slap his face. this scenario never comes to her mind when she was planning to tell him about her pregnancy. he was gentle, he was kind and like kids.

when she learned about the pregnancy, she thought this is his own child and will most likely change his mind.

she already love this child and protective of him. a son she thought.
but she got everything all wrong.

Yaya have never seen Barry looking so cold.

"i am going to schedule you to Dr Lino. he knows what he will do" and stormed out.

she heard a raging car flying like a bat.

Yaya embraces her tummy and cried. "Mama will always be here for you honey"


Kim immediately met up with Yaya when the later called. She told her what happened.

"calm down, don't stress yourself and the baby" as she embraced Yaya.

Yaya noddes and smiled. "you better cool off for a while" Kim added.

but when she was about to get up, she felt hot liquid flowing from her center...
she saw blood and darkness engulfed her...


She saw her Aunt Ditas and Mama Alma inside the room, both of their eyes were swollen. then she remembered, "my baby" she holds her tummy. "is my baby okay?"

Alma immediately called Dr Lino.

Yaya felt suffocated when she saw the doctor, she clearly remembered what Barry said, "he knows what to do"

"what did you do to my baby?" she shouted angrily.

her aunt ditas was holding her, crying.

"I'm so sorry, the baby did not make it."

"you did what you have to do,  didn't you!" she intends to walk up and hit the doctor but pain hits her. "aaaggh" she shouted.

her aunt ditas embraces her and she cried. she felt helpless and defeated. she was not able to defend her baby.

Yaya never felt so alone, she was told that they informed Barry of the incident. Barry tried to call her but she did not want to talk to him. Her anger towards him is unbearable and it pains her so much. She reasoned out, if she is really that important to him he should have come home and dropped everything. she knows that it is too much to ask but it is their child.

Yaya did not speak until she went home to Barry's place.

"Are you sure with your decision?" asked Alma.

"Yes, for all that what is worth. this is less than a tiny fraction of what I have lost. He may not feel the loss, but this is the only way I can get even" she answered.

Alma pulls Yaya's luggage inside her car. Tony was crying inside.

Dalia pleads, "Yaya, don't go wait for Sir Barry to come home"

"I am so sorry P'Dalia for putting you to this situation, i've learned to like you just like my true aunt for a short period of time and we come to this."

Dalia was weeping, Yaya embraced the old lady tightly. "I'll never will forget what you did to me and Tony."

"This house will never be the same without you. Comeback."

Yaya just smiled and went inside. and never looked back.

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