So be it 😮

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"Why did you not tell me that you and Mark wouldn't be coming with me? "

"Ya, we did not plan it as well besides it wouldn't make any difference. It is the Project Managers that are important in the site visit."

"Nevertheless Kim, i should have bring one of our Senior Architects or Engineers with me"

"Mr Lin, wanted us back in Thailand to see the changes he wanted us to do. email was sent only yesterday. Mark mentioned that there are also some potential investors that we can meet with Mr Lin."

Yaya will not directly admit it but she is freaking out. currently she is alone and cannot see anybody in the private hangar. their call time to board was 9 AM and its already 850 AM.

She can see a luxury jet and saw the private crew who boarded thirty minutes ago. but she is not sure if they will be riding that one.

"Kim, i can't see any Project Managers from the other groups here."

"Really, they might have seen the place or yet to be scheduled. Nevertheless, make the most of it. at least you can explore the area as much as you want." explains Kim

"Kim!" Yaya said in an impatient tone

"we will try to catch up after a day or two" Kim assures her.


Barry just boarded the plane.

"Where are the representatives of The Archs?"

Diana, Willy and the crew look at each other.

"Are they not coming? else let us just cancel this trip" he said in an upset and irritated tone.

Diana answered, "let me check Sir Barry" and dialled the number of Mark.

"Ms Sperbund is already here Sir Barry. Mr Prin and his wife can't join us but they will try to follow after two days"

"Then where is Yaya?" as he looks at Willy. "Why did you let her wait somewhere else!" he shouted.

"I will personally fetch her, Sir Barry"

Willy immediately went down the plane and rides a gulf cart to check Yaya in the private lounges.

after a few minutes, Willy saw Yaya.
"P'Yaya!" he shouted.

Yaya turns around as she ended the call and saw Willy running towards her.


Yaya meets Willy and embraces him.

Willy turns red.

"How are you?" she said.

"I am fine P'Yaya. you look more beautiful"

Yaya just laughed at Willy

"I am going to take that as a compliment P'Willy"

"P'Yaya, as much as I would like to ask you more questions about you and Tony, why did you wait here?"

"The receptionist at the lounge told me to stay here before the flight"

"okay, shall we go now and get your things?"

"I only have this one" said Yaya showing him one luggage.

On plane.

Yaya overheard the deep voice of Barry giving instructions to a middle aged woman probably one of Barry's entourage. She was standing besides Barry, while Barry was sitting. she can only see Barry's back.

She caught the attention of this woman.

"Excuse me Sir, Ms Sperbund is already here"

"Ms. Sperbund, welcome aboard. I am Diana Jaa. but you can call me Diana"

"Hi Diana, please call me Yaya" she answered.

Barry stood up.

"Good morning Yaya"

"Good morning Sir Barry" she answered formally.

Barry can clearly sense the coldness in Yaya's tone. Barry look at Willy and give orders to inform the captain to go.

Barry asks Yaya, "have you had your breakfast?"

Yaya just nods.

"Make yourself comfortable then"

"thank you" she replied and wears her dark glasses.

Barry did not bother Yaya, but continues working while stealing glances once in awhile.

Yaya on her side, forced her self to sleep for almost four hours.

"Let her sleep for awhile, and wake her when everything is settled" said Barry

they made a stop at NAIA for immigration purposes, they will transfer to a helicopter when they go to the island.

"Yaya, wake up. we need to transfer"

Yaya was still asleep.

"still a deep sleeper" Barry chuckled.

"Babe, let us go" he said.

Yaya stirred and saw Barry's face a few inches away from hers.

surprised. she immediately stands up and hits her head to board.

"aaagh" she winced.

Barry immediately followed Yaya and checks her head.

"Are you okay? are you hurt?"

Yaya just nods. and went out and followed Diana and Willy.


Barry is at the end of his wits. Prior to this trip he cancelled all of his one week appointment just to do this site visit as an excuse. when he learned that Yaya will be alone , he saw this as an opportunity to discuss things with her.

for more than a day Yaya finds her ways not to be alone with him. All of their discussions were about the project.

when he is with her he does not know where to begin. he tosses and turns on his bed but he can't find the peace and sleep knowing Yaya is just one cabin away.

he is pissed. he went out only wearing shirt and shorts and knocks at Yaya's door.


Yaya heard a loud knock, probably her dinner. good thing she just finished having her shower. She opened the door. Barry. .

Yaya was wearing a pink silk robe "Can we talk?"

"about the project? i am yet to update our proposal if you can give us time"

"Ya, its not the project" as he welcomes himself to be inside Yaya's room. God he misses this scent.

"Then what is?" and was surprised when Barry let himself in., "eventhough you own this island, i believe your staff and most specially your guests still needs privacy or this is a habit of yours just to go inside..."

Barry turns around. " Ya, just stop!" he raised his voice. " i've only got one question, i want to know your reason why did you left?"

"why did you not come?"

"I did, but you were gone"

"you took my baby away from me, is not that a good reason?"

Barry rakes his hand to his hair, this is going to be a long night. so be it.

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