It's Over

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The café Yaya chooses is not full. Probably because it is weekday. They are seated in the open area overlooking the woods of Nyagard. At any given day, Yaya would consider this as a perfect place to reminisce good old days with friends and love ones. Ironically, their case is the opposite. If there is one thing that Yaya would do right now is just to move on and keep Barry away from Henry.

“What do they have here?” Barry asked

“Their salads and kebabs are to die for”

“will have what she said” he said to the waiter.


“This place is good. I like it. How often do you go here?”

“Let us cut the chase, ask whatever you wanted to know. Let us be finished” Yaya answered impatiently.

Taken aback by her strong response, he only meant to start a conversation. He just smiled. “Let us take our time, it took me eleven hours to get here, fixed Tony’s car for more than an hour, you throw my snacks and this is my first decent meal for almost a week. Please have pity on me.”

Yaya scoofs. “who told you to do all of those anyway” fighting herself not to show emotions.

“nobody, I just thought I needed to do those to survive and live again.”

She is taken aback by his answer and takes a good look at him. he lose weight, she sees dark circles around his eyes and days stubble beard. What she can’t understand are the expression of his eyes. She diverted her attention outside, this only confuses her. But she needs to admit. No matter how he says how tired he is, he still look so good damn looking.


Barry never leaves his eyes on Yaya, his understanding was correct. He will never grow tired of looking at her. he knows its not her beauty that captivates him, its because she is just his. he knows it. and that is what he want her to know.

But for now he is defeated by the call of the aroma of grilled kebab meat.

Yaya watch him eat with gusto just like how she remembered him. He eats anything. She lets him, but did not touch her food.

He did not coax her to eat, he knows how she will react if he insists.

After five years, he wanted to have good start.

Coffee then is the served.

“How are you then?” he asked after sipping his cup.

She sighed, “losing my child is my lowest of low. I did not know what I did or what happened during that time. Everything to me was a blur . My step mother was in the rehab, Tony was just 11 years old… we’ve got nobody”

Barry was speechless… he did not realize he fisted his hands and Yaya sees this.

"the money you gave was more than enough. It allows us to get by..”


“I did not know about the money, only after your left did my father told me about it”

This new information surprised her, but this does not mean she will let her guards down.

She shrugs, “the fact that it was given to us on our way out… but don’t worry, I can pay you. give me more time to pay you in full.  But if you are in a hurry I can already pay you more than half…” but he did not allow her to finish her sentence “ I did not come here for money”

“then what?”

“I want you to answer my questions”

She just looks at him

“why did you leave?”

“ I think I’ve already answered that”

“not yet”

“I’ve just lost the child you did not want”

“who said I did not want him?”

“You!” she raised her voice higher only to realize what she did, she just takes a deep breath.

Barry rakes his hands to his hair, “What I meant that time was for Dr. Lino to look after you”

“You were not there”

“If there is an event I regret for the rest of my life was that not me being there while we lost our child, because in the process I’ve lost you. But believe me when I say I want my child. I never want to lose him”

Yaya was breathing hard.

“Why did you keep Henry away from me?”

“What do you mean?”

“Ya, I don’t need a DNA testing to know that Henry is not mine. The blood of Kugimiya is very visible to his features. Tell me now that I am wrong”

“You are wrong, you are never a father to him”

“Because you keep him and you did not give me a chance. Now answer me, why did you keep him?”

“after learning that I’ve lost my child, I thought my life is over. It took only a month after I’ve learned that I am still pregnant. According to my doctor I’ve experienced Vanishing Twin Syndrome, it is the I decided that  I want to live far away from you. We are doing fine. We are okay please leave us alone. I don’t want another drama, build  a family of your own”

“No” he shakes his head, “You have what I want”

‘Please Barry” she asks pleadingly “You already have your fiancée and I know she will give you the child that you want.”

‘Now I am wondering who feeds you with these information” he said as if he is loosing his patience, “I don’t have a fiancée”

"I am not blind"

"and I am not either, i was and i am not engaged to anybody else"

“How will I make you understand that we are over and you can’t take my child away from me” Yaya stood up and walks out

Barry immediately stands up and follows her. never will he let her go away from his sight this time. Barry runs after her and got hold of her before she opens the door of her car.

“ I want my children. If you don’t want me to take my children away from you. You listen to me, listen carefully”


‘Yes, you might be carrying another one of mine after our Philippines trip. It will be me who will say over when and if it’s over"

2 Become 1 (Nadech and Yaya)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora