···Delfie Caramon

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Bastendin 19, 40318 BW···

"Move!" Gama Deity hollered as she stomped into the room.

My body still aching and tired as I thought of Minka, I opened one eye to see why my gama was making me move. I screamed and dove off the couch when she threw a boy's body in the same spot I had been sitting in only moments before. I stifled another scream when I saw who it was.

Minka lay unconscious, blood staining his lips and the scratches on his face. He was cute before. The cuts and bruises made him look tougher. He almost looked like a warrior who was killed in battle.

"Gama," I squealed. "What did you do?" My hands floated around him. I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. I was scared to touch him. Scared that if I did I would hurt him like I did last time.

Then his eyes fluttered open, slowly as if he was unsure. But then they closed again and his chest shook as he breathed deeply.

I turned back to my gama, my face burning with rage. I could feel the heat, energy spurting through my veins. My gift was returning and blistering up my arms. My vision blurred orange again and I even choked on it. It tasted like blood as if my low energy was taking my life force as if to make up for its absence. I could feel the blood dribbling out of my nose, my ears.

Gama Deity eyed me, her glare like death. "Nothing," she said calmly. "He'll survive. After all, he is no ordinary boy. Not ordinary but is still liable for death. He may claim to be dead but he is very much alive."

"He looks dead," I bit back. I sniffed smelling burning blood and burnt wood. I looked under my toes to see the floorboards charred and blackened. They needed to be replaced anyway.

My gama waved me off. "Just give him a few minutes, gamana. He'll survive," she repeated.

I looked back to Minka. He looked dead despite his elevating chest. If it wasn't for that I would think he was gone.

Hesitantly, I put a finger to his chest. It moved with him and as I laid my whole hand down, his mouth twitched in response. He was warm, beautifully warm and full of life that I thought had left him. I wish my gama would leave. I wanted to hug him for saving my life, hoping that I could save his now, but I knew it would feel awkward with her standing right behind me.

In only a few seconds, his eyes opened. Minka didn't sit up. He only stared at the ceiling, blinking as if he had lost his vision. Moments later did he decide to stir. It started with his hand, moving from the side of his body to his chest. I was so frightened that I didn't move my hand away. His hand touched my arm and followed it towards my own. I had cooled down so much that his touch gave me goosebumps.

I gulped when he strained his head to look at me. His eyes were a dark navy blue, staring into my soul the way my gama could never do. His look was soft, speckled like the freckles on his face and beautiful in comparison to my gama's stern look.

But then he looked away, his hand still interlocked with mine. Minka saw my gama and he instantly became protective. He put his arms out in front of me, wrapping me, and pushing me closer towards him and farther away from my relative.

We barely knew each other. I even made fun of him and his name. Somehow, he still felt compelled to protect me. I smiled as I thought of this, truly feeling like I needed protection from my gama when I knew I didn't.

I looked at Gama Deity watching her cross her arms as if that would do any good.

"Minka," I sighed. "It's fine. She won't hurt us."

He turned back to me, his look confused. "Okay..." Minka turned back to my gama and growled, "You almost killed me."

"I know," she snapped. "You already told me."

Minka took a deep breath. He looked back and forth from my gama and me, an uncertain look in his eyes.

"I bet you have some questions," Gama Deity added. "Both of you."

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