Vexing Gathering

130 10 4

Ink's POV

What.. just happened? Did Error just get.. embarrassed? Nah, probably not, he probably just got bored of me like everyone else does after a certain amount of time. I mean.. I did just aggressively tell him to stop trying to talk to me.. so that's my fault and not his. I yawned and rubbed my eye socket tiredly, this was a clear sign I needed to head home and sleep.. but could I face him after our argument? He may still be angry at me.. oh, who am I kidding? I was obviously going to have to head back there sooner or later, so why not just get it over with now?

I stood up and looked around for my paintbrush, but it was nowhere in sight. Oh, right, Error had thrown it off the cliff whilst I was attempting to scare him off, silly me. Oh well, the paintbrush didn't exactly matter to me anyway, since I could easily just re-summon it as good as new, so I opened a portal to.. well, my home. I hesitated for a second or two, Dream would most definitely try to speak with me, whether it be to apologise or to try to argue with me some more. I shook my head, and those thoughts were gone in an instant. I jumped through the portal and landed in my living room, thankfully nobody was in there at the moment so I could easily make my way upstairs and-


Dream called out to me, he sounded nervous but I didn't blame him. I stopped walking and turned around to face him, crossing my arms as I did so.

I didn't want to speak with him, but I could tell he was just going to follow me upstairs if I didn't stop to listen. Dream himself was a wreck, he had tears falling from his eye sockets and his entire body was trembling.

"I-I'm sorry.."

I softly shook my head and turned around, but I was swiftly stopped by Dream grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at him.

"I get it, you're j-just as upset as I am, but-"

Dream didn't get to finish his sentence, as I shook him off and promptly ran upstairs, not bothering to look back at him as I did so. I noticed my door was already open, proof he had invaded my privacy once again, but that didn't matter at the moment. I sauntered into my room and slammed the door shut with my magic, but it was briskly opened by Blue who seemed.. quite energetic and positive, even with all that's happened. He skipped into my room and jumped onto my bed, leaving me stood in the middle of my room, confused as I could possibly feel.

"Well? Aren't ya gonna sit next to me?"

He acted as if nothing had happened, as if Dream and I hadn't arg- ohh, I get it, he was trying to comfort me by pretending everything was normal.

"Blue.. not now, please."

I sighed and rubbed my temple with my right hand, which was a harsh mistake.

"What's that, Ink? I guess I should be more specific, uh, what's that on your glove?"

I looked at my glove, which was still stained with my marrow, then looked back at Blue faking a look of embarrassment.


He narrowed his eyes at me, of course he wouldn't buy into my lie. He's known me for years, he knows I've never masturbated in my life, why would I even bother lying to him like that? I sighed and let my hand fall to my side.


Blue fell backwards onto my bed, groaning as he did so.

"Why is there marrow? Error went to comfort you, didn't he?! If he didn't, I swear-"

"Calm down, Blue, he did come see me."

I awkwardly shuffled over to my bed and fell face first onto it, next to Blue. I rolled over onto my back and felt him grab my hand, gently squeezing it as he did so.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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