Mike x Will (fluff/ potential smut)

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First request from AlfaOfTheWolfPack hope you enjoy~! (They have phones in this just to let you know)
Will POV
It was late at night and I couldn't sleep. After everything that has happened I don't think I'll ever sleep properly ever again. I tried again and again but I just couldn't sleep at all. So I decided to call Mike. I don't know why I decided to talk to him specifically but before I could infer more I was already texting him to see if he was awake. I thought he wouldn't respond but I was wrong as I saw his name show up with the hearts around his name that I had placed on my lock screen. I quickly clicked on the message saying that he was up and asking if I was alright. It warmed my heart that he cared about me.
(Texting bold is mike normal is Will)

[actually I can't sleep...too many bad things to think about]

[.....wanna bike over, I'll meet you halfway seeing as it's dark.]

I breathed out steadily before replying a quick yes. I looked over at he clock and saw that it was only 10:30 pm. 'Not too late, plus Mike will meet me halfway...I'll be fine.' I said as I quickly told my mom that I was going to mikes and that he was meeting me halfway. She was hesitant to let me leave but after a few minutes she said yes and let me go. I put on a jacket and my shoes and grabbed my phone as I went out the door pedalling away on my bike swiftly meeting Mike without any trouble. "Thanks Mike...this is a really nice thing for you to do for me." I said with a blush as we rode our bikes to his house. "No problem, I don't mind doing these things for you y'know. It's not a problem at all if I can help." He says as we park our bikes in front of his house and enter quietly through the front door as to not wake his little sister. We pass his sisters room and hear kissing noises, most likely from my brother and her. "Don't mind them, it isn't that loud to be able to hear in my room." He says and I nod walking with him to his room.

He opens the door for me and then enters as well locking it so that we can talk privately. "So what is keeping you up this late Will?" The sound of him saying my voice made me blush as he sat down beside me resting a hand on mine. "N-nightmares, I always get nightmares and can't sleep." I say sadly as he lays down and pulls me beside him putting an arm around my shoulders as I unconsciously wrap my arms around him. He pulls his blanket over the two of us and then responds. "Do you think sleeping with someone else would help make you feel safer? Cause we could have sleepovers every night to make sure you can sleep if you'd like." He suggests which makes me smile. "Yeah, I'd love that Mike." "Then let's discuss it with your mom and my mom tomorrow, and you should text her to make sure that she knows you're safe." I nod and text my mother to which she responds  immediately, happy that I got their safe. "Now she can rest well too." I said with a chuckle as Mike chuckled along with me. "Y'know Mike, I feel really safe right now, like nothing bad can happen to me when I'm here." I said with a blush and a smile. I hadn't even realized that I made Mike blush as well. "I'm glad that you feel safe Will...I'm glad that I was able to help. Also do you wanna freshen up before going to bed? I have a spare toothbrush in my bathroom if you wanna use it." Mike offered and I nodded but also held his sleeve as I gently tugged on it. "Can you come with me? I don't want to be alone right now." I said softly and he nodded getting off the bed and grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bathroom. He got me a toothbrush ready and we silently brushed our teeth together finishing and taking turns using the toilet. "Y'know what Will. How about you take a bath? I can help you by massaging and washing your back." He asked almost hesitantly and I nodded eagerly. A bath sounded amazing right now. He smiled and got the bath ready with nice hot water in it and turned as I stripped and got in. "You can turn around now." I said gently as I relaxed in the warm water.

Mike POV

My heart was pounding a mile a minute. 'Why am I reacting this way? I would never do this for anyone else.' I turned around after he said that I could and my jaw dropped. To me he looked amazing, even if I could only see his back and arms. I walked over to him grabbing a cup and pouring it gently on his head before scrubbing shampoo into his nice wet locks. I then rinsed it out and started washing his back after he had washed everywhere else. He seemed to relax even more at my touch which made me smile and fight off a blush. 'He's just too cute!' I thought to myself as I finished off washing his back. "I'm finished will, I'll get you some of my pajamas." I said as he nodded. I picked out for him a pair of plaid bottoms and a grey t-shirt. I brought them to him and turned as he got our dried off and changed. As I turned back around I realised that the clothing looked big on him which made him look that much more adorable. "Come on let's go back to bed, you look exhausted." He just nodded and I sighed and picked him up watching as he snuggled against me. I brought him back to the bed and set him down before getting into the bed myself and laying down next to him. He looked at me through half lidded eyes, and I realised that we were just staring into each others eyes. I hadn't even noticed that we were getting closer until....my lips met his and we shared a tender and sweet kiss. It wasn't full of lust, it was made of love and in that moment I couldn't have been happier. We eventually pulled away and rested our foreheads together. "I love you...Mike." "I love you too....Will." I said as I pulled him closer towards my chest as we both fell asleep.....at least we thought we would sleep....other problems kept us up longer than usual and let me tell you, it wasn't the demegorgan.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, vote if you would like a smut part two to this (as I made the chapter extend to able to connect to another chapter) and make your own requests. Don't be silent, this book is made by your ideas and no idea is bad.


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