Narcissa's revenge

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Requested by @agemforlife (i believe) I hope you enjoyed, and I hope the rest of you reading enjoy as well~!

3rd POV

Narcissa paced in her room. Her hair was brushed, excessively, and it seemed to be extra clean. Her clothing was made of the finest materials she could find, a nice dress with a v cut showing off her chest and a portion of her well toned stomach. It was tight against her body and she wore a pair of black shorts underneath. A slit was cut for her right leg which showed off two black straps that held up and extremely sharp dagger and her wand was in its holster, easily accessible when necessary, but with her skills, Narcissa most likely wouldn't be needing it. The dress was as black as a void, with silver trimmings around the bottom edge and the the ends of her sleeves. Narcissa wasn't wearing any shoes, and for this task she wouldn't need them.  Her makeup was light, but didn't cover up the crazed look in her eye as she smiled wildly. Tonight she would get revenge for her sister Belatrix, she would kill Molly Weasley just for her. 'Don't worry sister, you can torture her soon, just as soon as she is killed at my hands.' 

Draco and Lucius were sleeping on her bed, they had become close after Bella's death fear of loosing one another overthrowing their pride. Narcissa chuckled and kissed their foreheads softly before heading down the stairs looking like the sycho queen she was. After making sure she had everything she apparated to the burrow silently, ready to kill. 

-at the burrow- 

Molly was in the kitchen washing the dishes from earlier that day humming a merry tune. She had felt an unshakeble feeling of doom since this morning, and did everything to make sure she and her family were safe as they went off to bed and made sure the wards were up and staying strong. "Everything will be have nothing to fear." "Oh Molly have everything to fear." Molly nearly jumped five feet in the air scattering away from the sink and twisting around as she grabbed her wand pointing it out harshly at who was behind her. "Narcissa Malfoy...why are you here?! Get out of my house before I call authorities for tresspassing!" Molly yelled, but Narcissa only grinned madly. "I think not...I cam here to deliver you the same fate you did to my dear sister...she didn't deserve what she got." 

Narcissa ran swiftly at Molly dodging her spells with trained agility and sped up behind her holding the dagger against her neck. Molly was silently crying and pleading for her not to do kill her. "I'll do anything, anything! Please please.." "Anything?.." Narcissa asked gently. Molly nodded furiously. Narcissa let the bade off her neck a bit. "Then..." She raised it back up quickly. "Say hi to Bella for me~" 

Narcissa sliced Molly's neck, the wound bleeding and silencing her pleads all together. Narcissa cleaned up the blood off the floor and removed all traces of her presence from the room before leaving....feeling free and happy tears streaming down her face. "I've done it Bella...I've avenged you once and for all. Now you can have a rematch with her.." 

Narcissa arrived home a few minutes later and quickly ripped her clothing off, burning it in the fire and going to scrub Molly's blood off of her. The water was so hot that it burned her skin making it tinge pink and she scrubbed so furiously that she almost bled but it didn't matter, Molly's blood was gone and would never be on her skin ever again. She changed into some night clothes delicately crawling in beside Lucius who stirred awake. "Cissy? You alright?" "I'm perfect love~" She soon fell asleep with a smile, feeling complete and happy for once since her beloved sister had died.  

(sorry this took so long to make) 


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