Bonding (Gina and Sabrina)

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Alright now for that crack one shot that was requested, might be bad, might be good, who the fuck knows. 

Sabrina had come over to Marinette's for the afternoon to do a project with Mari. She had gone to the washroom and Mari's parents were gone leaving Sabrina alone with Tom's mother. She was a nice older woman who looked very laid back. She had made herself and Sabrina some extra cheesy, extra spicy borritos and Sabrina's mouth watered as she took a good wiff of it. Even as she ate it with tears in her eyes and a burning mouth she enjoyed the burrito. "That was so good thank you so much!" "Anytime kiddo!" 

It had been a few minutes of making jokes and cleaning up when something cut off the silence that had occured. "E-excuse me.." Sabrina flushed in embarrassment but  Gina just laughed making Sabrina look up timidly. "What do ya have to be sad about? That was nothing kiddo!" Gina remarked. She smirked and let one rip making sabrina's passing of gas seem like nothing more than a wisp of wind. "Beat that!" 

Sabrina gasped and was on. Both ladies going at it one upping each other until suddenly Gina stopped making a shocked face. "Something the matter Gina?" Sabrina asked softly. "Yes yes I just...had a little accident.." Sabrina sighed happy that it wasn't something major and smiled lightly at Gina. "No need to be embarrassed, I'll run you a bath. Go clean up and once you're in ill wash your clothing sound alright?" Gina nodded and Sabrina got to work making sure Gina felt calm, that burrito must have done a number on her. Once Gina finished redressing in pajama's the two sat on the couch and watched movies, bonding over the mishap and laughing it off. 

The two were now on track to being really good freinds. 

(Hope that went well enough for y'all, I personally think it went better than I thought it would)


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