A helpful night (harry and Minerva bonding)

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I absolutely love the thought of these two souls bonding over the holidays and I hope you guys enjoy it as well, grab a blanket and some hot cacao or coffee and snuggle up! (trying to start this again long after I wrote this beginning bit I am so, so sorry for not continuing but I kina....forgot about my books and requests and was focused on other forms of entertainment...like anime. but I'm back and ready and I hope to finish all of the requests that you guys have)

Harry POV 

I had been staring into the fire for at least an hour now. No one else was in the common room and had gone home for the holidays so it was nice and quiet. A blizzard had begun to form outside and a blanket of snow covered Hogwarts perimeters. 'Maybe a walk would help me sleep?' 

Silently I slipped away from the common rooms and shivered at how cold the floors outside the common room felt on the pads of my feet. I slowly made my way around the castle not worried about being caught. Everyone should be asleep as it was the night before Christmas. I took a sharp right turn not expecting to see anyone ran unsuspectingly into a warm tall body. "Sorry....professor McGonagall?" McGonagall smiled down at me holding out a hand to help me up. "Mister Potter a surprise to see you this late at night...follow me would you?" 

Scared that I was in trouble, I followed silently and quickly her strides far longer than mine. We finally reached her office after what felt like forever and she welcomed inside. "Now mister Potter-" "Harry....last names are too formal." I stated quickly as I sat down cross legged on a comfy chair in front of a fireplace across from the professor. "Alright harry...then tell me please why were you walking around the castle this late at night?" I tensed quickly and let out a shaky breath. "I-I'm sorry I know I'm not supposed to be out I-it's just well I was having troubles sleeping and felt kinda lonely and just wanted to go for a quick walk to clear my mind and help me sleep..." At this point I was rambling until I heard soft laughter across from me. "Harry I'm not mad at you, you aren't in trouble so just relax... it's pretty lonely without your friends huh Harry?" I nodded and slightly teared up. "Well tonight you won't be alone... we're gonna talk until you become tired or until it becomes Christmas morning." 

I guess my smile was bright because McGonagall smiled as well... it seems she was glad she could make me happy. The fire burned softly in the background as we sipped our hot cacao just talking lightly about classes new spells and even had a round of charades (she won with imitating Snape as a child, it was hilarious!) It was getting late and finally, I was feeling tired. McGonagall   seemed to notice me nodding off for she quietly stopped her rant about us 'youth and your dangerous shenanigans' as she put it, and stood up walking over towards me with a blanket. As I finally succumbed to sleep I could feel her placing a blanket on me and telling me she'd wake me up for breakfast. I fell asleep that night and had a very happy dream.

The next morning I got a letter from Hermione and Ron and smiled feeling even better than I already did. Quickly finishing up I went back to Gryffindor tower (and opening the gifts I had gotten without knowing) and quickly wrote back. 

Dear Ron

It was good to hear from you mate, I'm glad you're having fun during the break. It's pretty lonely here but... not as much as it was in the beginning. I think I made a new friend and they're going to be making the rest of the school year even more interesting. That's all you get on the new friend  you'll see just how fun they can be once you get okay? Just rest assured I am not alone and I'm doing good! 

your best mate, Harry 

P.S. Thank your mom for the sweater please

I sent the letter off with a smile. 'I really feel less alone now... this shall be an interesting year indeed.'

I'm so so sorry again for how long his took, it took a while to get the motivation to write again but I did it and I'm getting as much writing and research done before I loose motivation to write again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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