Chapter 18 Spots Gradually Reappear

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           Boom!   It is Monday, everyone is on the way to school when they hear a loud crash sound!  This can be good at all, is the first thing on Alya's mind. She runs, hides and calls out, "Trixx lets pounce!"  She transforms.

           Rena Rogue sure hopes the others will be able to come help her soon!  It seems this villain is a bit more violent than usual.

          Adrien is hidden elsewhere. He sighs. He thinks, really why now?  "Plagg, claws out!" Adrien says.  He transforms.

         Marinette who is hidden just a few feet away from Adrien says,  "Tikki spots on!  Yeah!" She transforms.

          Rena Rogue smiles when she sees Ladybug and Chat Noir!  She is so glad to see that they both came!  She sure hopes the fight will go well! 

            "Bugaboo, nice to see you!" Chat Noir says.

           "Nice to see you too, Chat!"  Ladybug remarks.

          "Glad you both could make it." Rena Rogue tells them.


       The group sees the villian soon enough!   

    "Hey, Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rogue!   Give me your miraculous now!"  He demands.

      "No, way!"  All three answer together as usual.

       "Watch out!"  Someone else says.

             Ladybug, Chat and Rena Rogue turn around to see Carapace near by!  They are happy to see him, especially since they did not expect him to show up. The whole thing is a nice surprise for sure.

            Carapace uses his turtle shell to shove Rena out of the way.  He also, shoves Chat to the side as well.

              Ladybug sees the villain attack Carapace before he can use his force field for protection!  She sees him pass out!

               "Carapace, no!"  Ladybug shouts in sheer horror.

                 Ladybug thinks fast, she calls out,  "Lucky charm!"  She gasps when she sees what it is this time around.   She gets a  extra yo-yo just like her real one it too has no spots.  She  wonders what she should do with it.

                 "M'lady, be careful!" Chat calls out.

               "Illusion!" Rena Rogue says quickly.  She smiles when an illusion of  multiple  ladybug's  all without spots,but with yo-yos appears next to her and Chat. She sure hopes this helps somehow.

            Chat gets hit in the side.  He screams, "Ladybug, help me!  Bugaboo, I am afraid..." 

           Carapace regains his strength. He runs over to Chat and this time holds his shield high above them both.      Carpace   says, "Protection!"  He smiles weakly as a huge force field surrounds himself and Chat Noir.  He sure hopes that everyone else is alright.  

             Ladybug holds back the tears that she feels try to form. She cannot loose him, not like this!  She  throws the fake yo-yo towards the villain and he falls down. She runs to him and grabs his sunglasses.  

           The akuma comes out!   "Gotcha, no more evil doing for you little akuma!" Ladybug says.  She grabs the decoy yo-yo up and throws it into the air.  "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug remarks.

          Once everything goes back to normal Ladybug looks at her left arm. She sees two spots reappear!  She thinks, wow, does this mean what I think it does? 

          "Ladybug, I see spots on your outfit and jewelry!  Also, your earrings are beeping!" Chat says with a weak voice.

            "Chat, I am sorry!" Ladybug says with tears in her eyes. She grabs his face and kisses him. She thinks, do not die please!  

             Chat passes out after Ladybug kisses him.

                 Ladybug screams, "No, Chat!  No!"

                Carapace and Rena look on with sympathy. They are not sure what to do comfort Ladybug.  They leave together.  Soon after this they detransform.  Now, Alya smiles as Nino walks her home.  She is happy they are both okay.  She can tell Nino has a small scrap on his arm, but at least it is nothing serious.

              Ladybug, grabs up Chat and carries him to Master Fu!  She lays him down on a mat.   Through her tears, Ladybug, ask, "Master Fu, can you heal him?" 

               "Yes, now stand back!" Master Fu answers.

            Ladybug steps back. She sits down on a stool to watch Master Fu Work. She soon turns back to her civilian form.  She watches Chat turn back to Adrien. She sees the wound and can tell it is worse than she thought at first. She turns away. She cannot bare to watch. 

          Master Fu works as Carapace slips the box under the door . Marinette stands up, she grabs up the box. She places it back inside the huge miraculous box and closes the lid back down. She mutters, "Please, A-Adrien, do not leave me!  I love you!"  

         Adrien  groans in pain.  Suddenly, he feels the pain go away!  He looks up in surprise to see Master Fu nearby and Marinette on a stool with her hands over her eyes. He thinks, what is she doing here?   

       "Wait, how did  I get here?"  Adrien ask.

      "Ladybug, brought you here!" Master Fu responds as if it were no big deal.

        Adrien stands up, goes to her, and states, "M-Marinette, I spot that you are sad.  I know you are truly her!  I am sure of it.  I mean there is no way you could help Rose as well as you did the other day without being Ladybug!  Also, today, you got some of your spots back!"

      Marinette feels arms embrace her. She can tell they are strong.  She looks up to see Adrien. She gasp.  "A-Adrien, y-you are a-alive!  I am so glad!  I thought I lost you!" Marinette says.

     Adrien says,  "Buganette, my ladybug, and Marinette you are amazing!  I saw you do what it took to rescue all of us!  You did not stop!  You made sure the akuma got caught!  Mari, I trust you! I trust you with my whole heart!"   

   Adrien kisses her.  

        Marinette feels her heart beat in tune to his as if they are in sink. She thinks, does he truly trust me?  She thinks about her transformation as Ladyug and without a word turns back to the hero with spots back!  She sees the other spots appear one by one as if they were never gone!  Even the yo-yo turns back to normal!

      "Adrien, thank you!" Ladybug says. She smirks when he gazes at her in wonder.  "M'lady?  I love you as Marinette, and Ladybug!  I  know that now!  I love you!" Adrien says.

        "I know, silly Chat!" Marinette says. She giggles. 

      Adrien laughs too.  He walks her home and kisses her forehead.  

"See you soon, Marinette!" Adiren says.

"See you soon, too, Adrien!" Marinette replies. She smiles as she closes the door.

      to be continued in Chapter 19  Do you Spot What I spot?



My Marinette Lucky Charm?  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now