30, Flirty and Dying?

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Chapter Ten




●an end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie
●the furthest part or point of something.

●an end or final part of something, especially a period of time, an activity, or a book or movie●the furthest part or point of something

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He turned his head slightly trying to see if Harper was okay.

He choked up seeing her unconscious blood coming from ever which where, her entire dress that was once white was now a bright red color.

He sobbed, trying to left his head from the dash broad.

"Harper! Harper!" He weeped out trying to reach for her.

He screamed and screamed all while they were trying to get them out the car, but he didn't care--his wife was laid out unconisuous nothing else crossed his mind.

He cried watching her not move a muscle, soon after he fill back into unconisuousness.


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"Eww you smell, no wonder why nobody loves you."Cynthia told a very young Harper.

It was 1999, Harper is 10 years old and still very much in foster care. Much hasn't changed since she was born all but her age and the people who come and go.

She was currently sitting inside her classroom doing her work, but of course she couldn't go along with her day without getting picked on.

It was something that she was sadly immune too, whether back at the foster home or in school there was never a day that went past that Harper wasn't bully.

She learned fast that not every action needs a reaction, thus the reason she never defended herself in a violent manner, she felt a such a young age that minding her business and ignoring the person was she best thing to do.

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