
415 8 2

- Foul language
- Possible Smut
- Borderline abusive tendencies

Characters & Ages (in order of importance)
Reader (Late 30s) (You've aged up, suck it up)
Professor 'Miguel' Membrane (Early 40s)
Doctor Clarence Loy (Mid 30s)
Dib Membrane (~12)
Gaz Membrane (~12)
Zim (Unknown, but possibly more than 3000)

If you'd rather use a ready-made character insert, feel free to use the alias of Vivian Lima. \/ \/ \/

Vivian Lima's Feature Fill Ins
H/C (hair color)- Brown
H/L (hair length)- Below shoulder blades (medium cut)
H/T (hair texture)- Wavy
E/C (eye color)- Brown
S/C (skin color/tone)- Pale/Ivory
R/H (reader height)- 5'3" (live with it)

Let's begin.

-=#Newbie#=- Prof. Membrane x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now