Chapter One

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It was a normal day for 13 year old Lynn Loud. She went to school, stayed after for one sport or another, came home, and played more sports. She was currently in the living room watching the latest Reds game on tv. Lincoln was sitting next to her on the couch in his underwear, reading comics. She knew she should've been slightly disgusted, but she wasn't. Her and her sisters were so used to it they didn't mind it anymore. "YES! KICK THEIR BUTTS REDS, GO- AHHHHH! LUCY!" Lucy had showed up behind her and scared the hell out of her. "Dang it Lucy! Stop doing that!," Lynn said. Lucy sighed and said "Sorry Lynn. I need Lincoln's help with my poem." "Oh sure!," Lincoln said. "What rhymes with cone?," Lucy asked. "Zone, home, tone." "Thanks Lincoln." Lucy left and Lynn was feeling confused. How come Lucy always went to Lincoln for help? She decided to go upstairs and take a nap before her next big game at 5. She opened the door to her room quietly. However, when she opened the door, Lucy was in the middle of the room, changing her shirt. She didn't seem to notice Lynn, so she pulled on her white t- shirt she always wore to bed. Lynn knew she should just walk away, but she couldn't. For some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off of Lucy. When Lucy was about to turn around though, Lynn darted down the stairs and out the door. Phew. That was close. I can't believe that happened. Was I really just watching my little sister change? She's 8 for gods sake. But she is beautiful. What no! I can't think that. She's my little sister!  Lynn's thoughts were interrupted when Lincoln opened the door and walked outside. "Hey Lynn, what's wrong?," he asked her. "Nothing," she responded a little too agressively. "Lynn I know you and I know when your upset. What's wrong?" "You'll think I'm a freak." "No I won't. Just tell me." She sighed and said "I walked in on Lucy changing." "What's wrong with that. You guys have walked in on me before." "Walking in on her wasn't the problem Lincoln! The problem is that I got butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't look away because I thought she was beautiful ok!," Lynn exploded. Lincoln looked at her dumbstruck. "See! I knew I was a freak!" What made Lincoln even more dumbstruck was that Lynn started crying. He's never seen Lynn cry. "Lynn, I don't think your a freak. To be honest, I even have a little crush on Luna. So how am I supposed to judge you for having a crush on one of our sisters if I have a crush on one myself?" "Yea, well Luna is older than you so that's okay. Lucy is 5 years younger than me! How is that ok!" Lincoln didn't say anything, he just reached over and hugged her. "Lynn, Lincoln, dinner!", their mother yelled from inside. "Come on Lynn. It's gonna be ok. Just don't think about it right now." They got up and walked inside to the dining room. Everyone was already seated. They sat down. "Hey, Lucy, why are you in your pajamas?," Lola asked. "Fangs pooped on me." Lola, Lori, and Leni made a disgusted noise while everyone else, except Lynn of course, laughed. Luna noticed Lynn being quiet and got worried. "Hey, Lynn, what's wrong dude?", she asked. Lynn looked up at her and Luna' s heart almost broke at what she saw. Lynn's eyes were red and there were tear tracks down on her freckled cheeks. "Dude, are you ok?", she asked. Luna' s worry attracted all the other sisters attention. They were all surprised because they had never seen Lynn cry.  "Lynn?," Lucy asked. Apparently that was too much for Lynn. She stood up, turned, and left the dining room. But not before the rest of her siblings saw the fresh tears flowing down her face. All the while,  Lincoln was sitting there with a sad look. Soon, dinner was over. Lincoln decided to call a sibling meeting, minus Lucy and Lynn. He caught up to Lori while she was going up the stairs. "Lori, wait. I need you to gather all of our sisters for a sibling meeting in my room. Minus Lynn, because it's about her, and Lucy, because she has something to do with Lynn being upset in the first place." "Ok twerp." Ten minutes later, all the siblings bar Lucy and Lynn were in Lincoln's room. They had blocked off the vents and barricaded the door incase either Lynn or Lucy decided to eavesdrop. "Ok, I know why Lynn's upset." The sisters looked at him angrily. "Why didn't you tell us why at dinner?!", Lori asked. "Because Lucy was there. And Lucy is the reason Lynn's upset." "What did Lucy do?", Lana asked, popping her knuckles. "Wait, no! Lucy didn't do anything." "Then why was Lynn upset?", Luan asked. "Ok well earlier apparently, Lynn walked in on Lucy changing. Wait, let me finish! Ok so, Lynn told me walking in on Lucy wasn't the problem. She said she felt weird and had butterflies in her stomach. She also said she thought Lucy was beautiful. After she told me what happened, she called herself a freak and started crying. That was when mom called us inside for dinner. When Luna started asking if she was alright, I think she got uncomfortable. But when Lucy was trying to ask her if she was alright, I guess she snapped and that's why she stormed out crying again." The sisters stared at Lincoln until Luna asked "So, the little dudes got a crush on Lucy?" Lincoln nodded. "What's the problem with that? I mean I know each of us has had at least a crush on one of our siblings", Lori said. "I think this might be more than a crush, eldest sibling unit. Most people call their crushes cute or hot. For Lynn to refer to Lucy as beautiful is different," Lisa said. In Lynn and Lucy's room, Lynn was bouncing a tennis ball against the wall. She was disgusted with herself. What kind of self respecting person gets a crush on their little sister by 5 years?! Not her! Uggghh! But Lucy was so cute. No! Stop thinking that. Maybe I should try to ignore her. That's gonna be hard because we share the same room. But maybe I can manage. I don't think I'm getting rid of this crush anytime soon though. Lynn decided to get up and get a snack. She already missed her softball game anyway. She got up and to her bedroom door and opened it. When she did, she ran straight into Lucy. They both fell over with Lucy on top of Lynn. Lynn felt herself blush. "Uh, hey Luce," she said. Lucy got off of top of her and said "Sorry Lynn. I didn't know you were behind the door." Lynn got butterflies in her stomach. "It's ok." "Hey Lynn, what was wrong with you earlier?" "Nothing." "Ok." Lucy walked into their room and closed the door. Lynn sighed with relief. She swore she could've kissed her right there. But she didn't. Because it was wrong. She headed down the stairs. But what she didn't know was that Lola watched the whole thing.

So here's the first chapter. Hope you liked it. And if you don't like that Lynn has a crush on Lucy, the exit button is right there.

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