Chapter Three

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After the rest of the sisters got home, Lincoln called a sibling meeting, including Lucy this time. Lynn was still asleep in her room, so they didn't have to worry about her overhearing them. They held it in Lori and Leni's room. "Ok, Lincoln. Tell them what happened," Lori said. "Lynn left school early." That caused an uproar with most of the sisters saying it wasn't fair. "SHUT UP!! IF YOU WOULD'VE GIVEN ME A CHANCE I COULD TELL YOU WHY!", Lincoln yelled. That got everyone to shut up. "Ok. Lynn had a panic attack at school." Lisa, Lucy, Luan, and Luna gasped, but Lana, Lola, and of course, Leni didn't know what it meant. "Like, what's a panic attack, it sounds bad", Leni said. "A panic attack is when something happens that causes you not to be able to breath and you start to literally freak out." Lori said. Now Lana, Lola, and Leni gasped. "What happened?" Lucy asked. Lincoln gave Lucy the note. She read it and got an even bigger frown on her face than normal. She handed it to Luna and said "I'll be back." She walked to the door, opened it, then slammed it. Everyone was surprised by Lucy's outburst. Lucy never got that angry. The other sisters read the note and they got angry too. "What are we gonna do about this dumb bully?", Lana asked. Lisa smirked and said "I have a few ideas, elder sibling."

Lynn woke up confused and lying in her bed. She remembered Lincoln finding her and calling Lori. She must of fell asleep. Lynn was interrupted from her thoughts by a thud on the other side of the room. She looked over and saw Lucy, sitting on her bed and punching it. "Luce?", Lynn asked. Lucy stopped punching the bed and looked over at Lynn. The weir
d part was that Lucy's bangs were out of her eyes and her icy blue eyes were showing. Lucy's now visible eyes widened and she put her bangs back in front of her eyes. "What's wrong Luce?", Lynn asked. "Nothing. Are you ok?" "What do you mean?" "I mean what happened at school." "Yea. I-I'm fine. Now." Lucy got off her bed and walked over to Lynn. It got even weirder when Lucy hugged her. Lucy never hugged anyone. Lynn blushed and wrapped her arms around Lucy. They sat there for a while, hugging. Lucy fell asleep in Lynn's lap. Lynn smiled down at Lucy and picked her up to take her to her bed. She put her down and tucked her in. Lynn knew they could never be together, but at least she still had Lucy as a sister. She smiled sadly and walked to their bedroom door. She left the room. She walked downstairs and to the kitchen. Lincoln was sitting at the table eating a cup of pudding. He saw Lynn enter the kitchen. "Hey Lynn. Are you ok now?", he asked. She nodded an d went to th e fridge. She grabbed a pudding cup hand sat at the table. Lynn ate her pudding cup and left the table. She went back up stairs an d changed into her pajamas. She sat on her bed and opened her laptop. Lynn signed into Netflix and clicked on th e movie Tall Girl. She thought Sabrina Carpenter was kinda cute.

The Next Day

As Lori dropped Lynn off at the middle school, Lincoln pointed out the kid that made fun of Lynn the day before. The boy had red hair, green eyes, and he was kinda chubby. The plan was to corner him after they dropped Lynn off at the community center after school. She had ping pong practice. They were gonna teach that kid to never treat a Loud that way. You mess with one Loud, you get all the Louds.

I know this chapter is shorter but it's 12 o clock in the morning and I got somewhere to be tomorrow. I update everyday so there will be a new chapter up sometime tomorrow. Peace✌

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