Chapter Two

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Lola ran to Lincoln's room. "Lincoln! Special sibling meeting! Now!" Lincoln knew what special sibling meeting meant. No Lucy or Lynn. He nodded and texted Lori. 2 minutes later 8 of his sisters were in his room. "Ok Lola, why did you call this meeting?", Lincoln asked. Lola squealed and said "I just saw the cutest thing ever!" Lori rolled her eyes and said "what?" "Ok, so. Lynn was walking out of her room. But Lucy was about to walk into the room, so when Lynn opened the door, they ran into eachother. But that's not the best part. Lucy fell on top of Lynn. Lynn blushed so hard. Lucy was completely oblivious, but Lynn literally had hearts in her eyes. It was sooooooooo cute!" Everyone awed at Lola's story. They talked for a little more before their mother said it was time for bed.

Lynn was getting ready for bed. Lucy was in her bed, half asleep already.  Lynn sighed as she laid down. She couldn't believe that day really happened. She has a crush on her little sister. She rolled over and looked at Lucy. She looked adorable. She turned back over and shut her eyes. Within a minute she was asleep.

Monday Morning

Lynn's alarm went off but she didn't even budge. She was a very deep sleeper. The second time it went off, she groaned and got up. She walked out into the hallway. She was the last in line for the bathroom. Lucy came out of the bathroom, then Lincoln went in. Soon enough, it was her turn for the bathroom. She took a quick shower, got dressed into her everyday clothes, and brushed her teeth. She exited the bathroom and headed downstairs to the dining room. After she had her piece of toast, she followed the rest of her siblings to Vanzilla. And of course the only spot left was next to Lucy. She sat down but it was so crowded Lucy was practically sitting on her lap. She blushed. Lori secretly smirked to herself. First Lori dropped Lisa, Lola, Lana, Lucy, and Lincoln off at the elementary school. Then she dropped Lynn off at the middle school. Lynn walked inside the building and to her locker. The word dyke was written on her locker in sharpie. Yea, I know what your thinking. What? Lynn is bullied. Yea. About a month earlier, a boy from her class found her diary in the classroom. Then he showed the whole school. Then it progressed from there. Back in the present, Lynn was walking to her 1st period class. She dreaded that class the most. Her main bullies were in that class. She walked into the classroom and almost immediately people were pointing and laughing at her. She sighed and went to her desk at the back of the room. Someone threw a piece of paper at her. She opened it and it read hey dyke, got any girlfriends lately. Probably not. Nobody would want to date you. Not even your family loves you. Lynn felt a stinging behind her eyes, but she refused to cry just to satisfy those dumb bullies. She raised her hand and asked to use the restroom. The teacher said yes. Lynn got up from her chair and walked to the door breathing heavily. She had to make it to the bathroom before she had a full blown panic attack. She couldn't make it to the bathroom, so she sat against a set of lockers. She started breathing heavily, and hot tears were flowing out of her clenched eyes. She was freaking out. She's never had a full blown panic attack before. It was getting harder and harder for Lynn to breath. I'm gonna die. I'm dying. I can't breath.

Lincoln was walking down the hall of the middle school. His class was going on a tour for next year. He had to use the bathroom in the middle of class. As Lincoln was walking down the hallway, he heard heavy breathing. He looked over at a set of lockers and saw something he never wanted to see again. Lynn was curled in a ball against the lockers, breathing heavily and crying. He rushed over and kneeled next to her. He started rubbing her back and whispering nonsense to calm her down. After a couple of minutes, she was finally calm enough to tell him what happened. She handed him the note and he read it. "Lynn, we do love you. All of us. Do you want me to call Lori to come pick us up?", Lincoln asked. She nodded and Lincoln took his phone out of his pocket.

Lori was in her 1st period class, which was a study hall. She was on her phone texting Bobby. While Lori was texting Bobby, she got a text from Lincoln. What's he texting for? He's supposed to be in class. She opened the text and it said Lori, I need you to come pick me and Lynn up at the middle school. Lynn had a panic attack. And we need to have a special sibling meeting when everyone gets home. Include Lucy in this one though. Lori gasped and walked to the teachers desk. She asked if she could go to the office. The teacher said yes, so Lori grabbed her backpack and walked to the office. When she entered the office, she asked "Can I go pick up my brother and sister. Its literally a family emergency. My sister had a panic attack and I need to take her home." The principal said "Sure, take the rest of the dat out." She thanked him and walked out the front doors. She got in Vanzilla and drove to the middle school. Lori walked into the building and to the front office. When she entered, she saw Lincoln sitting in a chair with Lynn's head in his lap, asleep. Lori could see the tear tracks on Lynn's cheeks. She walked to the front desk and signed Lynn out and Lincoln's teacher already knew he was leaving. "Lori, take Lynn to Vanzilla. I need to get her backpack and stuff.", Lincoln said. Lori nodded and took Lynn out of Lincoln's lap. She stirred slightly bit didn't wake up. They left and Lincoln exited the office to get Lynn's stuff. He walked to Lynn's 1st period classroom, math. He knocked on the door and a boy with blonde hair answered it. The boy let Lincoln inside. He walked to the teachers desk and started whispering what happened to Lynn to the teacher. After he was done, the teacher gasped and pointed to a desk at the back of the room. Lincoln walked to the desk and picked up Lynn's stuff. He was about to leave when a kid called out "Hey, are you the dykes brother?" Lincoln got an angry look in his eyes and walked up to the kid. "What did you just call my sister?" "I called her a dyke. She likes girls and that's disgusting." Lincoln drew his fist back and punched the kid in the face. He turned around, walked to the door, and left the classroom. He left the building and got into Vanzilla. After a short drive, Lori pulled into the driveway of the Louds. She got out of Vanzilla, opened the back door, and picked Lynn up. Lincoln opened the door for her and she took Lynn up to her room and put her in her bed. Lori went downstairs and to the kitchen. She saw Lincoln holding a piece of paper and clenching his fists. "What's that?", she asked him. "Its the reason Lynn had a panic attack." He handed her the paper and she read it. She clenched her jaw and said in forced calm voice, "Sibling meeting when everyone gets home."

Ok so this chapter didn't have a lot of Lynn and Lucy, but there will be a bunch in the next chapter. Peace✌

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