Chapter Four

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It was the end of the day, and Lori dropped Lynn off at the community center. The rest of the siblings were at the middle school, waiting for the boy with red hair to exit the building. A few minutes later, the boy came out the double doors on the side of the building. The Louds, minus Lynn of course, surrounded him before he could leave. "What do you want?" He asked in a rude tone. Then he noticed Lincoln and his eyes widened. "You made fun of our sister bruh. If you mess with one Loud,  you deal with the rest of us." The boy was trembling with fear. "Hey, we don't even know this kids name", Lola said. "What's your name", Lincoln asked. "Uh, Percy." "Well Percy, we're going to teach you a lesson about messing with a Loud," Lori said. Ten minutes later, The Loud siblings were walking away from the middle school with bloody fists.

The Next Day

It was saturday, so Lucy woke up later than usual. She woke up to Lynn being half way off of her bed, with her head hanging upside down. Lucy got out of her own bed and exited the room. She went to the restroom, and took a quick shower. She got out, dried off, got dressed in a black hoodie and black sweat pants uncharacteristic of her, but it's Saturday so why not be comfortable? She walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. Lincoln was sitting at the table, eating cereal. "Hey Lucy, what's up?", he asked her. She replied with "Nothing." Lucy sat down and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She ate then went back up to her room. When she walked inside, she immediately saw Lynn, on the floor, with only her leg on the bed. It was cute. Wait what!? Did she just think that Lynn was cute. What was wrong with her? She decided to just leave it alone for now and wake Lynn up. She walked over to where Lynn was on the floor and kicked her gently in the side. The thing is, if you just tap Lynn, she won't wake up. You had to use force. Lucy kicked her again. This time Lynn groaned and opened her eyes and glared at Lucy. Lucy, knowing what was coming, took off running downstairs. Lynn got up groggily and chased after her.

Lincoln was coming up the stairs when he saw Lucy zoom down them, almost knocking him over. A moment later, Lynn, looking tired, came running after her.

Lynn tackled Lucy on the floor in the living room, where Luna and Lori were watching tv. They were startled when Lynn tackled Lucy. Deciding they wanted to get away from that mess, they went upstairs. Lynn looked down at Lucy, who was staring up at her. She started to lean down but she was interrupted by Lola coming downstairs yelling about a pageant dress that Lana ripped. When she saw what was going on between Lynn and Lucy, she slowly walked backwards up the stairs. Lynn looked at Lucy, blushed, and ran upstairs. Lucy was confused, so she decided to go talk to Lincoln.

So sorry it took this long to upload. A lot of personal stuff going on rn. My mom just died so I haven't been getting on my phone recently. Peace✌

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