[Liars I]

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You are all liars

"Lisa" Jieun began to talk.
"Thank you"
"For?" Lisa asked.
Jieun shook her head. The shift was ending, and only her, Lisa and Jennie were in the shop.
Today was the first day Jieun had decided to not let one bad thing, among many, ruin her life.

She found out something that day. She heard things. They replayed in her head, burning her curiosity.
"The girl everyone is looking for"
"YG is pretty brutal, huh?"

She had to find out these things on her own. That night she cried in Jaehyun's arms, she felt weak. She promised for Ryujin, she promised for Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Hyunjin, she would be strong.

Jaehyun, she knew, was not who he said he was. She just had this strange feeling about him when he entered her house.
So she took it upon herself to find out. She would find out.
"Jieun" Amber Hugged her tighter than ever when she walked through the door.
Jieun was happy to see her again,she was happy to be happy.
"If I knew you were coming today, I would've taken a shorter break" Amber smiled, earning a laugh from Jieun.
"Where is Joy?" Jieun didn't want her to hear what she was about to ask Amber.
"About now she should be Preforming"
She stared at those at the bar, drunk and probably won't remember anything.

"Amber," Jieun started "have you heard of YG"
Amber's ears reddened and she felt a hot stinging on her arms.
"A gang" she said, because she wanted to tell Jieun something but she couldn't tell her everything.

"What kind of Gang?"
Amber shook her head "why are you so curious all of a sudden?"
Jieun stuttered before answering "I just wanted to know"

"YG" a voice said.
The two girls stared down the bar, a man who wasn't sober or drunk had spoken.
"Hell on earth." He spoke again "a bunch of angry people with nothing else to do but hurt"

"And you are?" Jieun asked, she needed names.
"And how do you know so much?"
Hanbin chuckled "mention B.I. around any YG members and you'll have a gun to your head"

Amber gulped, knowing exactly who he was.
A trader to YG.
A hero to those he saved.
A murderer to on lookers.
But to him, now he was just nothing.

"Who is B.I—"
"I think Joy is done" Amber cut her off, pushing her to Joy's path.
Once gone, Amber turned to Hanbin.
"Get out"
"Or what SM?" Hanbin joked.
"This is not your Territory—"
"Call the rest of your gang up, go ahead." He said "kill me. I'm an omega now. The only thing I can do is wait for death."

And with that he took his last shot, and left the building. But Jieun watched him, following him out of the club until he was out of anyone's sight. She hesitated before grabbing his hoodie.

In seconds he had his hand around her neck, and from then she knew he was apart of something she needed to know about.
"I need you" she said "this is my number"
"Look, I would like to get to know you first before you—"
"No you look" She said, "I want YG info"
"Listen kid, you don't want to know any of that"
"I'm Ryun Jieun"
His eyes widened and then she knew her name meant something.
He nodded solemnly and headed out, staring back at her a couple of times.
Jieun almost jumped out of her skin. She traced the voice back to Joy, who was only standing a few feet away. Her face clearly not happy with what she just saw.
"Oh hi" Jieun said nervously. Joy did. nothing but smile. Her lips spread and eyes almost glistening. As if she was proud of her.

It was a look that made this whole situation even more complicated.
It's been 2 weeks and still Jieun hasn't heard from Hanbin.
But, she felt as if this wasn't her only concern right now.
In the Mist of two weeks she had seen Hyunjin once and it was him leaving in the middle of the night.
And She saw Baekhyun get into Taeyeon's car.
But those two weren't even what concerned her most.

It was Irene. The girl working with her. She had heard her talking on the phone about a Chanyeol in the hospital. Now it could be some one else but the face she gave when she saw Jieun listening told her other wise.

What was going on here? Her mind wondered over and over, ways to protect herself, to figure things out, to stay safe in all of this.

The boy looked up from the pepper he was cutting ever so diligently.
"Do you...nevermind"

Her furrowed his brows, looking over at Jaehyun who had the same questioning look on his face.
"What?" He asked.
She shook her head, turning up the tv.
"What?!" He asked a stiff smile on his face.

Jieun breathed in deeply before speaking.
"How do you know Jaehyun" she found herself asking.
"I know that's not what you were going to ask but...we were friends since high school...right?"

Jaehyun nodded, sipping whatever he made in the blender. He then proceeded to sit next to Jieun.
She was disgusted, disappointed and sad. They where both hiding something from her. They weren't telling her anything.

And it wasn't even stupid things. It was people's lives on the line. Chanyeol's, her own and possibly even the cause on her sister's death.

"How did you meet Ryujin?" She asked.
They kept the same look on their faces, but something changed. Something in the air seemed to steam or boil with fear and anger.

"Our younger friend, Yeri, she was in some trouble" Taeyong said "And before we could arrive, Ryujin was there helping her before we could even get out the car."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" She tried to sound steady.
"A fight, some girls were picking on her, she is like a sister to us" Taeyong said.

Jaehyun kept silent and sipped his drink.
"So what? You just said thanks to my sister and became her guardian?" Jieun was glaring at Jaehyun now, but he didn't have an answer.
Not for today.

"I'm home!" Hyunjin arrived home late, again.

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