[glass II]

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I'm scared
For you, for me, for them
I don't know what I am
But everyone around me shatters
Like glass

"You still think they'll come" Jinyoung laughed, sharping what ever he had in his hand. He didn't understand the hope she had.
He didn't like it.
Jieun didn't answer. She hasn't answered or spoke since she got here. That was two days ago.

He grabbed her face, making her look at him,
"Not speaking still?" He groaned.
Mark and Yugyeom came in. Their eyes looked tired.
"Amber and Joy shouldn't be a problem anymore" Mark said.
Jieun jolted, "What did you do to them!"

She was shaking now. Thinking of Amber doing everything she could for Joy, because she believed her life was worth more. Joy being scared but still holding what ever she could for defense.

Amber would die trying to save her from jerks that came by the dozen and Joy would die because she didn't take the chance that Amber gave her. Because little did Amber know, Joy thought the same of her.

"Please DONT HURT ANYONE ELSE" Jieun cried "ILL TALK...I'll...I'll fucking talk".

Yugyeom and Mark sat down and watched Jinyoung make the call. The call that would officially start the war as two great leaders paved the way.
Jieun watched as two figures walked into the room. One male and one female. They seemed unreal, almost too powerful for this world at all.

"Jaebeom Hyung, Jhiyo" Jinyoung bowed.
Jhiyo smiled at Jieun, not in an evil way, but almost comforting, but then changed to stone when JB looked at her.

But Jaebeom, his eyes were darker than Jinyoung's, and his glare itself seemed to cut the skin.

"Hello Shin" Jaebeom sat down on a chair that was infront of Jieun. "We just want to ask a few questions"

"You fucking idiot!"
Jaehyun didn't answer, he kept his head down.
"You know better. Why the fuck would you leave her in the dead land like that!?"

Jungkook stop him from talking, the van they were in was opening.
"Oh, you we're meeting him here?" Yoongi, Jaehyun remembered his name.
He felt his skin crawl by even being infront of him. The most kills on the team, the deadliest killer of the generation was standing right in front of him, smiling.

"How can I help him escape Nova if he doesn't even know the basics?" Jungkook went back to type on the computer that seemed to be hacking into just about everything.
"It's not like you knew the basics when you quit" Another voice came in.

"Namjoon sun—"
"No need" Namjoon shook his head.
Now he, Kim Namjoon, he was a psychopathic genius and to be his friend was to be safe in the devil's palm.

"Getting out of Nova, while saving Jieun is gonna be tough" he continued "very very difficult"
Jaehyun nodded, "please...I...I really want to save her."
"Well that is gonna be hard since JYP has her" Jungkook showed him his phone.

Yugyeom texted him and sent a picture of Jieun with Jaebeom talking to her.
Jaehyun felt his body shaking, her legs and arms were tied to a chair, blood dried on her face and body, her tears creating streaks on her cheeks.
He never wanted to see her like this.
"You're Lucky Yugyeom and I Are Friends. Cause if not, he would have killed her"

"Not true" Yoongi said loading a gun "they need her, remember? She is one out of 10 Royal blood left"

"Who are the royals..?"

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