The Obscurus and the Criminal

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     Newt, Elanore, Jacob, Tina, and Queenie stand on the rooftop of a building where they could see a black cloud going across the city causing chaos in its path. "Jeez..." Jacob breathes out. "Is that the Obscuria-thing?"

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of.." Newt says watching. Newt gives his case to Elanore. "If I don't come back, look after the creatures,"

"Wait!" Elanore stops him. "What are you doing?" Newt looks at her then to the Obscurus.

"They're not killing it," he jumps from the roof and disapparates. Elanore's eyes well up with worry before she glares determined and gives the case to Tina. She pulls out her journal and hands that over as well.

"Newt can't do this alone. Everything that you need to know is in there," she follows Newt's lead. Elanore appears beside Newt chasing the black cloud.

"What are you doing?!" he shouts to her.

"Think I would allow you to do this alone?" he stops standing in front of her.

"This isn't an argument Pippet."

"I agree, now should we continue before losing the Obscurus," he looks at her with a slight glare before giving in and continue the chase. They stop once they see a face in the dark cloud and Graves below yelling to the boy inside.

"To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle. Come with me...think of what we could achieve together," Elanore glares at Graves and his words to the boy he called Credence.

"Newt!" Tina shouts getting his and Elanore's attention.

"It's the Second Salem boy," Newt tells her. "He's the Obscurial."

"He's not a child."

"I know, but I saw him, his power must be so strong...he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible..." the sound of a scream rings out. "Newt! Save him." Tina runs to Graves. Newt looks to Elanore before they disapparate. They follow the poor boy trapped within the black cloud of destruction.

"Credence! Credence!" Newt shouts to him.

"Credence," Elanore joins in a loud, yet calming voice. "We can help you." The Obscurus suddenly dives for Elanore. Newt grabs her and disapparates with her quickly. They continue to chase it along the rooftops dodging and blocking the many Auroras. Newt gets them to the top of a skyscraper where they see the cloud shrink until it filled the corner. He runs into the subway, both of them then disapparate into the subway. Newt steps first as they follow the sounds of heavy breathing and the obscurus creeping on the ceiling. They see the obscurus along the shadows of the tunnel. Elanore steps forward some before being pulled back by Newt behind the pillar.

"Credence...It's Credence isn't it?" Newt starts to speak softly. "Credence, we aren't here to hurt you." Newt first steps on the train tracks to see the black shadow of the obscurus. Elanore slowly steps up to get closer to him.

"Credence..." she starts in a soft gentle voice. "Credence we've met someone like you. A girl...a little girl who'd been imprisoned. She was locked away and punished for her magic," The black smoke slowly goes down forming Credence who was curled up in fear. Elanore leans down to be at level with the fearful boy. Newt does the same as they didn't want to make him more fearful than he already was. "Credence...can I come over to you?" he looks to her as she gives him a gentle, soft look. Newt stands behind her and he is suddenly hit with something. Elanore gasps, and looks at him. "Newt?!" she looks down towards the tunnel. She sees Graves marching out coming for them. She growls standing with her wand as Credence runs further down the tracks. She starts to pull it back to cast a spell when he fires at her. She gets hit and falls back her head hitting the wooden planks. She felt the pain shoot up through the back of her head as she grits her teeth in pain.

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