Chapter 4

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When Max stepped out of shower, he found Tul was already sleeping soundly on the couch. He checked the time, he only left him to shower for 15 minutes, not that long enough to make a guest fell asleep while waiting.

Or maybe... Tul was dead tired.

Max appraoched where Tul was sleeping, and found him sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Max grabbed a cushion and lifted up Tul's head to make him lying down on the sofa.

Tul was stirring a bit in his sleep but soon got comfortable when his head touched the cushion Max gave him. Max bended down to caress Tul's soft hair and went to his working room.

He usually worked in his working room to have better focus, but right now he was not in the mood for working anyway, he even took a day off. But Max had nothing to do right now, so to kill the time, working it was.

He sat on the couch and opened his laptop. He worked on his piling up works while glancing once in a while to Tul's peaceful sleeping face.

He didn't know why but Tul had touched his soft spot for humanity and Max couldn't leave him alone. He even regretted himself for not giving extra tip to Tul at the bar.

God must have been on Max's side because he met Tul in an unexpected place for the second time. Max promised himself he would take care of Tul so he could live better.

Max already had an assistant for his work, so he just blurted out whatever on his mind just to make Tul agreed on his offer. Maybe if Tul declined him, he would persistently convince Tul until he said yes.

Max sighed as he stopped typing and rested his head on the backrest. He glanced at Tul who was still sleeping soundly. It gave Max tranquilising effect watching Tul like that. He even helped Max to forget his heartache bit by bit.

It was not that hurt anymore remembering how Mild broke up with him. Tul could distract Max and ease the pain. Max smiled a little, Tul's company was indeed a good thing for himself.

Max continued to work after taking a break.


Tul was awakened by the tasty smell coming from the dining table. He rose from his position and sat up on the couch. He rubbed his eyes to get better vision.

Max was putting plates of food on the table.

Shit!! Tul jumped instantly when he finally registered what was happening. He fucking slept off while waiting for Max and now the sun was even about to set. He had slept for hours in his boss' house on the first day of work.

Tul rake his hair, he was effing dead. He wanted to bury alive himself. He was embarrassed.

Max turned around and chuckled seeing the panic Tul with his bed hair. Tul just added the fact sheet about him. Tul could even be cute. It was amazing how a muscled man like Tul looked cute like that. Max wanted to squeeze his cheeks but he restrained himself.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep. It was stupid of me." Tul strode out to where Max was standing. He hurriedly helped Max.

Max shook his head and his hand unconciously tidied up Tul's messy hair. Tul was stunned the moment he felt Max touched him. His heart started to beat faster and their surroundings were fading away and slowing down.

They stared into each other's eyes deeply. Max licked his dry lips and his gaze shifted down from Tul's eyes to his plump lips. Now, his throat was dry. He could see Tul bit his lower lip.

Max swallowed the lump in his throat. It got harder to breathe. He leaned closer to Tul's face. The closer he got, the louder his heart thumped.

But before they got closer than they already were, Tul softly patted his upper arm, "...Max..?"

Max leaned off his head and stepped backwards from Tul. He had just lost his mind in a split of second. He was so close to kissing Tul. A fucking man. He must be crazy and his heart broken got him really, really bad, to the extent of kissing a man.

"I'm sorry..." Max cleared his throat as well as his mind.

Tul heaved a sigh. His mind just fought with his conscience of whether he let Max kissing him or not. This time, his mind successfully thought logically. He stopped Max before they did further.

Tul smiled thinly as he shook his head. He didn't say any words and started to help Max by putting the food on the plates and arranged them on the table.

When the foods were ready, they started eating in silence. Both were occupied with their own thoughts.

After some time, Tul had finished his food and stood up to wash the dishes. Max's eyes trailed Tul's every move.

Max couldn't stop thinking of how stunning Tul was. Even a guy like Max adored his feature so much.

Tul was aware he was being watched by Max, so he turned his head and threw his soothing smile at Max.

As if his heart had not been beating fast, it thudded and fell off to his stomach. The warm feelings crawled to all over his body.

Tul walked back to his initial seat accross from Max.

"Max..." Tul called him softly.

"...Yeah..?" Luckily Max found his voice to speak. It was almost unheard. He was still calming the crazy thumping of his heart.

"Anything else I can help?"

"Hmm?" Max didn't get Tul's meaning.

"I mean... I have not helped you with anything today. And the night has even fallen.." Tul was really sorry and regretted his recklessness by falling asleep on his first day of work.

Max smiled and shook his head, he rested his chin on his palm, "So you regretted sleeping, huh?"

Tul nodded weakly, a pink tint started to crawl on his cheeks.

Max put his free hand on Tul's, "Your sleeping is counted as a work to me, though.."

Tul furrowed his brows, couldn't get Max's words at all.

"I work better when I watch you sleep." Max said nonchalantly.

On the contrary, Tul's heart leapt out of his chest. He was trying so hard to stay calm. Talking to Max needed extra logic because Max was powerful enough to make him losing his mind.

"No.. I mean... the actual work.." Tul said.

"Nope, as long as you are around me, whatever you do, that counts as work." Max finished his sentence as well as his dinner.

Tul licked his dried lips and Max caught that, "Can you stop doing that?"

"Huh?" Tul was confused

Max stopped staring at Tul's lips as he closed his eyes, "No.. never mind.." He sighed.

Somehow the atmosphere was strained and Tul could not stand that. He abruptly rose up from his seat. "I think I'm better going home. See you tomorrow."

When Tul was about to walk away, he was stopped by Max's hand which is grabbing his wrist thightly.

"...Anything you need me for?" Tul asked while gluing his eyes on their hands. His heart was acting up by beating like crazy drum.

"Yes." Max looked at him with all of his seriousness.

"What is it?" Tul gulped down his nervousness. He was collecting his cool and Max was not helping at all.

"I... I want you to stay the night."

And just like that, Tul was shot right on his heart.


To be continued

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