Chapter 9

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Tul found it difficult to drag a giant guy like Max alone. So he carried Max on his back. He tried to gently put Max onto the bed but somehow Max didn't let go of his hold on Tul's shoulder, so Tul was pulled and squashed Max from above.

"M-Max, I'm sorry..." Tul apologized right away since he knew he wasn't light at all.

Max spoke gibberish since he was both wasted and sleeping.

Tul heaved a deep sigh and tried to free himself from Max's arms, but they got only tighter.

"Max I need to go home.." Tul tapped Max's arms. He had no choice but to wake him up if he wanted to go.

"Hm..?" Max fluttered his eyes open.

"Can you.. let me go? I'm going home.." Tul said while having his back to Max.

Max nuzzled his nose deeper to the crook of Tul's neck. "M-Max...?" Tul was stunned and his heart beat crazier.

"....Stay..." Max softly said. He didn't want to let go of Tul.

"But.. I need to go home now.." Tul tried to reason out. He had to stay away from Max tonight, or else...


Tul got tongue-tied, he tried to search for a good reason but he could not. He just wanted to stay away from Max, that's all.

Since Tul didn't answer him, Max asked again, "You want to go to that guy?"

"Huh?" Tul was puzzled and couldn't get what Max was trying to say.

"That guy.. your friendly customer.." Max emphasized the friendly word.

"Ah. No, I'm planning to go home.." Tul finally got what Max meant. He didn't even think about Nine anymore. He was more concerned of his unstoppable crazy beatings of his heart.

"Then, stay." Max said as he inhaled Tul's sweet scent. It made Max relaxed somehow.


"Unless you want me to sleep unsoundly..." Max threatened Tul like a kid. "I sleep better when you're around."

Tul thought his heart could not beat more rapidly than it already did, but Max proved him wrong. Tul had to remind himself that Max was drunk that's why he talked nonsense.

Tul sighed and said, "Okay, I'll stay."

"Good." Max hugged Tul tighter, he was ready to dive back into his slumber but Tul had not finished his sentence.

"I will stay if you let me out of your arms. It's.... it's uncomfortable." The lie rolled out of his tongue just like that.

Max loosened his arms as he felt sorry for forcing Tul to keep up with him, so he instantly let go of Tul.

"Sorry..." Max mubled.

Tul shifted farther until they had enough space to breathe again. Tul tossed his body around so he was now facing Max.

Max had looked at him with an unreadable expression. The best Tul could guess was.. somehow Max looked like he longed for something.

Tul knotted his brows, "What's wrong?"

Max relieved a deep sigh and shook his head. He formed a thin smile while saying, "Good night, Tul.."

Tul didn't push it and replied, "Good night, Max".


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