Backstory of us

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It was a phenomenal day at Big Blue. I had literally no responsibilities. None. Yup, that's life when you're a salmon you just swim, eat, and hang out with your friends. Now you're probably wondering who are you? Well my name is Hayroy. These are my brothers, Mordicai and Bucky. Now you're probably perplexed because I only have 2 brothers and that's it? Well yes, when I was little and had 126 brothers and 135 sisters. Yes, my brothers and sisters were killed. They were killed by these giant monsters with sticks and string. It was weird. They wore big things on their feet. Maybe called boots, I think that is what they call it, and they wore weird red clothing. That day my mom and dad died too. I don't know how we survived but their last words were never be afraid and look after each other. They died trying to save my brothers and sisters. Now how on earth did you get your names if your parents never told you? Well I'm going to answer that question. Here's how it all started.

When we returned to the "ocean," I think that is what some parents called it, but knowing us three we made it a lot simpler. I wanted to call it super awesome cool fun extraordinary place. Bucky wanted to call supercalifragilasticexpalodcious place. Mordicai wanted to call it Big Blue. That was the best out of them all so we called him Mordicai cause it sounds smart. Here is how to pronounce his name. More-da-cai. Mordicai. When we were looking around Big Blue, Bucky saw a buckeye and a lot of them. So we then gave him the name Buckeye. We realized he could be made fun of so we renamed him to Bucky. Now how I got my name is a way better story then finding a buckeye or naming Big Blue. So sit back, relax and enjoy the tale. Fyi what you are about to hear is when I was only 12.

"Oooooohhhhhh laaalaaa!!!! She looks like a cutie bro!"

"Mory! I've told you if a girl is only cute I'm not interested!" I replied with a big sigh.

"Okay! Don't be a hater!" He darted back.

"Listen up billy bob joe! I'm not appreciating your attitu-"

"Exuse me! Did you call me the most evilest salmon in Big Blue!?"

"You betcha!"

"You monster!"

We starred at each other for I don't know how long.

"So let's figure out a name for you, how abou- GIRL! I'll hide behind the rock! Good luck!"

"Mordiacai wait!" It was to late he was in silent mode! I'm doomed!

"Hi my name is Jessica what's yours?" She squeaked in a high voice.

"Uuummmmm........ Well I have a name and it's - Mordicai help me out!" I whispered.

"Okay ummm how about....... oohhh ooohhh Achoo. That out a do it!"


"Achoo?" She replied questioned.

"Guzuntight. Haha I kill myself!"




"Then what is it?!" She yelled.

"Uuhhhh..... Hayroy! My best friend was Hayroy!"

"It's Hayroy!"

"Hayroy?" She replied questioned again.

"Although Hayroy did steal my girlfrien- hhhuuuuuuhh" I just put my fin against his mouth.

"Yes, my name is Hayroy."

"Okay, bye."

"Thanks a lot! I didn't even want that name!"

"No problem!" Mordicai said proudly as we started to head home.

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